Edwin Stanton
American Lawer who served as a secritary that served under linclon in the war against the south -
Ulysses S. Grant
Recieved most of the African American votes in the south and won the preidentionaly -
Hirman Revals
C Francis L. Cardozo
Francis was the first African American to hold a statewide office in the United States. -
D Francis L. Cardozo
He was a educator and politician in the Native South and Washington D.C -
D 13th admendment
this admendment ment that all slave were free from slavery. -
Lincolns assassination
John Wilkes Booth assassinated A.Lincon in the Forge movie theater -
D Lincins Assassination
Lincon got assassinated by Jonh Wilcons Booth in the Fords theater. -
Andrew Johnson New Former President
Vice Preident to president because of Lincolns assassanation. -
D Poll Tax
Both colored and white people had to pay a tax to vote for president. -
C Poll Tax
People had to pay a tax to vote for a presidential election -
D Reconstruction of the South
After the South burned down all thier buildings. factories, and homes they had to reconstruct it all back. Also North troops went down there to "help out". -
C reconstruction act of 1866
south burned down whatever might have been valuable to any one -
Tenure Of Office Act (chuks and Dans)
The Tenure of Office Act was a federal law (in force from 1867 to 1887) that was intended to restrict the power of the President of the United States to remove certain office-holders without the approval of the Senate. March 3, 1867 -
C Ku Klux Klan
The Ku Klux Klan was imported to South Carolina from Tennessee, where it had originated. During South Carolina’s election campaign this year the Klan murdered 8 bafrican americans, two of them state congressmen they would put white costumes on to hide there identities -
D Andrew Jonhson Impeached
He was impweached because of this bad reconstuction plan -
14th Admendment
This ment that all people who were born in the U.S. were already citizens. -
C 14th Amendment approval
gave all blacks a rite to vote and become more free. -
D 14th admendment
This admendment ment that who ever was born in the U.S was a citizen automatically. -
D Ku Klux Klan
these people did not like the law that said that slaves were free so they eiather hurt or killed them. They wore the caps so no one could know thier identities. -
C 15th Amendment
rtified voting rites -
D Andrew Jonhson
Andrew became president after Lincon got assassinated . He was the Vice President.