Charles Sanders Peirce (Sept 1839- April 1914)

  • Birth

    He was born into a privileged family as one of the four sons of Sarah Mills (the daughter of senator Elijah Hunt Mills) and Benjamin Peirce (Harvard mathematician and astronomer) on September 10, 1839 in Cambridge, MA Here is a quick video that briefly explains the life of C.S. Peirce
  • Graduated Harvard

    First graduated Harvard in 1859 where he was in the lower quarter of his class. most of his educational career at Harvard up to this point had been in distaste and lack of interest in the works being asked of him.
  • Summa Cum Laude

    In 1863 Peirce obtained his masters of arts degree as well as graduated with the first Bachelor of Science degree where he was awarded the Summa Cum Laude (an award that is given to someone in the top of their class)
  • Period: to

    First publications of pragmatism

    Peirce' work of pragmatism was first published in the "illustrations of the Logic of Science" in 1877-1878 in the Science Monthly. This is where we first see his discussing the topics of the scientific method with his works on " the Fixation of Belief" and "How to Make Our Ideas Clear"
    “The Fixation of Belief.” Charles Sanders Peirce, vol. Monthly 12, no. Popular Science, 1877,
  • John Hopkins University

    received an academic appointment to John Hopkins University working as a professor teaching logic in the philosophy department.
  • Lectures on Pragmatism

    In1903 he gave his more well known lectures of pragmatism at Harvard in which he spoke of the how the logic of abduction and beliefs are important; however, the establishment didn't truly accept or forgive his stances that told people to question and reevaluate.
  • Sold Manuscripts and publications

    After his death His wife and and fellow coworker published and sold his studies to Harvard.
  • Death

    Died on April 10, 1914 due to complications with cancer.