Birth/Death Dates
Born: 10 SEP 1839
Died: 19 APR 1914 Charles Sanders Peirce was a American philosopher and scientist that was known for his work with logistical methods and pragmatism. Peirce was mainly known with his work dealing with pragmatism during the years off 1877-1878. He believed the scientific method was a way to alleviate beliefs when it came to scientific truths. Pragmatism was first elaborated in the “Illustrations in the Logic of Science”. -
Contributions part 2
He dealt with semiotics, dealing with the sense of signs. He wanted to point out the distinction of mechanical signs and sign action. He produced all this research unfinished entitled in “ A System of Logic: Considered as Semiotic. -
Peirce was involved in a lot of subjects dealing with math, logic, and philosophy of science. His father, Benjamin Peirce, was a professor at Harvard University pretty much got him started the path of scientific discovery. Pierce was eventually led to fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 1867. He presented 34 papers nearly a third of his material dealing with logic. Peirce dealed mainly with physical scientists but hard a passion for talking about logic. -
“Charles Sanders Peirce: Encylopedia Brittanica,https://www.britannica.com/biography/Charles-Sanders-Peirce.