
Charles Robert Darwin February 12, 1809 - April 19, 1882

  • Charles Robert Darwins Birth

    Charles Robert Darwins Birth
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    Early Life Of Charles Darwin

    Charles Darwin was born in Shrewsbury, England. He was the 5th child of his parents Robert and Susannah Darwin. Darwin Father was a very successful doctor as was his grandfather Erasmus Darwin. Charles Darwin grandfather had a great amount of influences on his later theories. Darwin mother was the daughter of a famous pottery maker Josiah Wedgewood who had died when Darwin was only 8 years old. When Charles was 9 he attended Shrewsbury school but was not that much of a model student.
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    Charles Darwin Young Adult life

    In 1825 Charles Darwin attended Edinburgh University in Scotland to study medicine but soon realized that he did not even have the stomach to watch a operation being performed. So in 1828 he decided to switch his major and school and attend Christ's College in Cambridge, England to be come a minister. But yet again he decided to leave to attend Steven Henlow's course in the study of plants. Charles Robert Darwin finally received his Bachelors in Botany in 1831.
  • Charles Darwin Voyage

    Charles Darwin Voyage
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    The Beagle Voyage

    Upon Henslow recommendation Darwin was offered a position as a naturalist on the H.M.S Beagle second voyage which was to survey the coast of south Africa. The Beagle set sail December 1831 and returned October 1836. But during Darwin's voyage on The Beagle Darwin put his botany skills to good use studying many plants and organisms. Plus he collected many specimen, Darwin was concentrating on the location and habitat of the species
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    The Beagle Voyage Cont.

    Charles Darwin Influencer was a scientist named Charles Lyell's principle in geology which was that present conditions and earths processes were clues to earths past history. Darwin Noticed that along his trip that certain types of species existed only in certain areas and that a lot of organisms have gone through changes. These changes made them adapt to certain environments.
  • Darwin discovery

    Darwin discovery
    On Charles Darwin Voyage on The Beagle he studied a bird called a Finch and realized there were plenty of different kinds of this bird species. But the size and beak shape changed depending on what food was available in their habitat.
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    Darwins Publishings

    Darwin research journal was published in1839 with the help of a grant he received from the government to cover illustration " The Zoology of the Voyage of the Beagle" was published in 5 volumes from 1839 to 1843. Darwin contributed his information on the habitats and ranges of the animals and made notes on fossils. Darwin also published " The Structure and Distribution of Coral Reefs in 1842, since he studied the coral reefs in the Coco Islands while on the Beagle.
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    Darwins Theory

    In1842 and 1844 Charles wrote short accounts of his views of evolution. But other works around the same time caused great dispute and criticism of the authors. So Darwin decided that the time was not right to enter the argument of evolution. So he waited and continued his work and research to better grasp the concept. Darwin worried about the transport of plants and animals across land barriers. Darwin believed that isolation was important for the creation of new species.
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    Darwins Shot

    In May 1856 Lyell heard of Darwin's ideas on evolution and urged him to write about it with full references. Darwin later sent a chapter to Lyell and sir Joseph Hooker who were deeply impressed. In 1858 Darwin was almost done with his writings when he received a essay from Alfred Russel Wallace another naturalist containing the theory of evolution by natural selection the same theory Charles was working on.
  • Charles Darwin

  • The Society

    Arranged by Lyell and Hooker, Charles Darwin and Alfred Wallace was to combine there research and presented it to the Linnaean society in London, England on July 1, 1858 but the paper had little effect.
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    Survival Of The Fittest

    In November 1859 Charles Darwin Published "On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection". The concept of his publishing's was that in struggling to survive some species will adapt to the harsh situation better than other species. So when this new adaptive species reproduce they past the trait to their offspring. Which causes the species to evolve. A English philosopher named Herbert created the phrase " Survival of the Fittest" so people could better Grasp the Concept.
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    Later Years

    As Charles Darwin thought his publication caused a worldwide dispute so he tried to answer all questions in 5 editions of Origins throughout his later years. They answered question but did not have a big impression until Darwin Published his 3rd Origin " The Descent of Man and Selection in Relation to Sex". This publication caused a uproar around the world yet again since Darwin was suggesting that if traced humans and apes could be traced back to the same ancestors.
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    Later Years Cont.

    After the third Origin Darwin produced the last two Publications of the origin series. Then focused his interest back into plants especially since he had help from his son Francis 1 of 5 kids. He spent the rest of his life with plants and family and he died on April 19,1882 known as " The Father of Evolution".