Charles Robert Darwin DOB: 02/12/1809

  • Charles Robert Darwin DOB: 02/12/1809

    YouTube video of Charles Darwins theory of evolution:
  • MLA CItations for Charles Darwins known work

    Darwin,Charles,1809-1882. On the origin of species by means of natural selection, or Preservation of favoured races in the struggle for life. London: John Murray, 1859. Print. Darwin, Charles. The zoology of the Voyage of H.M.S. Beagle, during the years 1832-1836. Wellington, N.Z.: Nova Pacifica, 1980. Print.
  • Charles Robert Darwin DOB: 02/12/1809

    On January 16th, 1832 Charles Darwin went on a voyage of the HMS Beagle, and was the first to study the geology of the cape verdes islands. He contributed to Lyell's principles by observing sediments raised above sea levels. He went on to state that the earths surface changes over time, slowly and gradually.
  • Charles Robert Darwin DOB: 02/12/1809

    After Charles Darwin's five year voyage, he had returned home. There he had published his major achievement "Origin of Species". His coherent publication of the evolution theory by natural selection shocked the world, because he had evidence that suggested instead of a divine being, it was natural selection doing the work.
  • Charles Robert Darwin DOB: 02/12/1809

    After the publication of origin of species, Darwin had also made a major contribution in botany. He was the first botanist to understand, and ability to demonstrate that the flower was a product of evolution. Primula experiment had proved that pollen was the form of procreation, but the flowers were both male and female to keep from too much inbreeding.
  • Charles Robert Darwin DOB: 02/12/1809

    Shortly after the origin of species was published, Charles Darwin later published another book titled "The Descent of Man". Darwin begins to examine the evolution of man, and if we had a common ancestor with other species. It was later claimed that we were descended from monkeys.