Charles Lindbergh
Born: February 4 ,1902 Detroit , MI
Died: August 26 , 1974 Kipahulu , Hawaii
Buried: August 26, 1974 Palapala Ho'omau Church Cemerty ,Kipahulu Hawaii.
Spouse: Anne Morrow Lindbergh
Children:Jon Lindbergh , Reeve Lindbergh , Dyrk Lindbergh . -
People , Places
Anne Morrow Lindbergh He was the eldest son
Lindbergh plane was called Spirit Of St.Louis
Charles Lindbergh Child Was Kidnapped in 1932 his son was 21 month's old
The reason why he flew across to the Atlantic Ocean was because he had found out his wife Anne discovered a random note demanding 50,000 in their son's room. -
Why Should We Remember Charles Lindbergh
Well We Should Remember Charles Lindbergh Because he was the man that made the first solo nonstop flight across the Atlantic Ocean. it was May 21,1927 But that's not all that we can remember him off or we should it many other things he has done like we can remember him as being an author , inventor , military officer , explorer , and a social activist.