571px 1878 darwin photo by leonard from woodall 1884   cropped grayed partially cleaned

Charles Darwin, February 12th, 1809 – April 19th, 1882

  • HMS Beagle Departs Devonport

    HMS Beagle Departs Devonport
    This was Charles Darwin's infamous voyage where for 5 years, he studied various lifeforms and began to build out some of his greater theories on evolution.
  • Evolutionary "Tree"

    Evolutionary "Tree"
    It was around this time that Charles Darwin began work on what he called the "Evolutionary Tree"(1). This is preliminary work that would later lead to the "On the Origin of Species" as well as "The Descent of Man"
    1. Darwin, Charles, et al. Darwins Notebooks on Transmutation of Species. British Museum (Natural History), 1961.
    (Darwin, Rowlands, & Beer 1961 36)
  • Darwin Publishes "The Structure and Disitribution of Coral Reefs"

    At this point in his life Darwin was also a respected Geologist. His book detailed various atolls and utilized a lot of his shipboard time from the HMS Beagle to describe various underwater and on land formations that had not bee onbserved by other scientists.
  • The Descent of Man,

    The Descent of Man,
    Darwin publishes one of his last works, detailing evolutionary traits in humans, differences between the sexes and the dominant role in mating that is played by the female sex. Darwin at this point has been toying with these ideas for decades and although ridiculed at the time for his views(IE the attached photo), came to be understood as one of the fathers of the concept of evolution. Darwin, Charles. The Descent of Man. Murray, 1871.