Charles darwin (timeline1)

Charles Darwin (Feb 12, 1809 - Apr 19, 1882)

  • Born

    He was born into a wealthy family, honestly doing decently well.`
    Lotzof, Kerry. “Charles Darwin: History's Most Famous Biologist.” Natural History Museum,
    Myint, B. "Charles Darwin: 5 Facts About the Father of Evolution." Biography, June 11, 2020,
    "Charles Darwin Biography." Biography, Aug 28, 2019,
  • The Voyage

    The Voyage
    He embarked on the voyage that would lead to his discoveries of natural selection, noticing the animals on the islands were similar, but different, to the animals on the mainland.
  • Formulating a Theory

    Formulating a Theory
    By 1844, Darwin had this theory in his mind. However, due to the strict business of the church, and how CLEARLY his theory differed from the church's ideas, he chose to keep silent about this theory of evolution.
  • Finding a Friend

    Finding a Friend
    While Darwin was still uncertain about his theories, Alfred Wallace published a piece that closely reflected on his own theories. Darwin reached out to Wallace and they worked together to publish a clearer outline of their evolution theory. Darwin also began to write his book, On the Origin of Species.
  • Origin of Species

    Origin of Species
    Darwin published On the Origin of Species, allowing the world to know his thoughts on evolution. The publication of his book was greeted roughly, but eventually people began to understand his theories.
  • Died
    A short YouTube video of Darwin's Theory of Evolution. Since his death, his theory has been tweaked here and there, but that is the nature of science.