The Birth of Darwin
Charles Darwin was born in Shrewsbury, England, on February 12, 1809 and died April 19th, 1882 in London. -
Voyage Around the World
In 1831, Charles Darwin would begin his famous venture around the world aboard the HMS Beagle. This journey would last five years and lead to the publishing of his infamous study called " The Origin of Species" -
Key Dicoveries
During his time sailing around the world Charles Darwin was able to study numerous animals and species. From these studies he derived many theories such as the Theory of adaptation, Evolution, and natural selection. He would work on these ideas in private before publishing his book in 1859. -
Contributions to the Philosphy of Science Cont.
Charles Darwin's theory of Evolution opened up many doors in the science world. His contributions serve as reference point for other theories to derive off of and contribute to our understanding of the natural world and how we have grown as a species. -
Contributions to the Philosphy of Science
Due to his many discoveries and theories Charles Darwin has played a key role into the way we look at species of animals and how they came to be the way they are today. Many of his theories challenged the idea of creationism which angered many because in his time period religion was a huge part of life. -
The Outcome of a Lifetime of Research
Though Darwin died in 1882, his contributions to the scientific community still live on and are continually being improved upon. "Darwin emphasized on putting the ideas into a theory of change rather than a theory construction that argued that change is impossible" ( Ruse, 2007). -
The New Era
Darwin was not ignorant and knew that changing concepts and philosophy's were bound to occur. Due to his lifetime of studies a new branch of science philosophy was founded and it has been called the Philosophy of Biology. It may have taken a century to develop this but the creation was founded of Darwin's studies. -
Major Work Cited
Darwin, Charles. The Origin of Species. Castle Books, 1859.
Darwin, Charles, et al. Voyage of the Beagle: Charles Darwins Journal of Researches. Penguin, 1989.
Moore, James Richard. Descent of Man - Selection in Relation to Sex. Penguin Books Ltd, 2004.