Charles Darwin

  • Early Life of Darwin

    Charles Darwin is born to a wealthy family in Shrewsbury, England, he was the second son of Society Doctor Robert W. Darwin and his mother Susannah Wedgewood.
  • Early Education of Darwin

    Darwin's first school was the Anglican Shrewsbury School where he was given a base line education from 1818-1825. The school considered science as a dehumanizing subject and shied away from it all together. Darwin took interest in chemistry and was chastised by his headmaster for it. His father then sent him to study medicine at Edinburg University at 16. There Darwin met Robert E Grant who was an evolutionist that took Darwin under his wing. From then on Darwins curiosities ran rampant.
  • The Beagle Voyage

    Darwins first voyage was aboard the Beagle, a ship that sailed around South America for 5 years. Along the journey he made large fossil discoveries that timed up with natural disasters that made him think of how some species of animals were alive and well while others of the same species had perished in the events that took place. Most notably bird species and how 4 different types had managed to differ in four different places.
  • Theory of Evolution

    In private during his voyage he made his bold Theory of Evolution. This would go against all his previous Angelic teachings as well as what was thought to be solidified prove that man was made from God. He proposed that man derived from monkeys, more specifically orangutangs while working with zoologists at the time. He also proposed that evolution was a continuation that was not complete and that all living beings were constantly changing to suit their current environment.
  • End of his Life

    Towards the end of his life Darwin was plagued with sickness and suffered quite a bit. He untimely succumbed to his illness on April, 19th, 1882. His life work was accepted and being applied in science within his lifetime achieving a great amount of respect from the science community to this day.