Charles Darwin

  • Charles Darwin is born

    Charles Darwin is born
    Charles Darwin was born in Shrewsbury, England on February 12th, 1802. Darwin was born into a family full of scientist going back many years. His grandfather Dr.Erasmus Darwin was a scientist well known for his weird ideas, and his father and mother, Dr. Robert and Susannah Darwin. Darwin started at the Edinburgh Medical school but then soon transferred to study at Cambridge University to get his bachelor of arts degree.
  • Monroe Doctrine

    The Monroe Doctrine was a U.S. letter opposing European colonialism in the Americas. Monroe warned European powers against getting involved in affairs of the newly independent Latin American states. This changed america in many ways but for one, showed the world how powerful it is.
  • Opinions on living things

    Charles Darwin, early on was able to make keen observations that would soon change the understanding of the physical world as we know it. From primroses, to sloth fossil, children and mocking birds, Darwin saw that all of them in one way or another were related somehow. He believed that every living thing shared a common ancestor.
  • Collecting beetles in Cambridge

    Collecting beetles in Cambridge
    Charles had a passion for collecting beatles even at a early age. he didn't always think of them scientifically until one day he found a bundle of rare beetles as he was adventuring through the woods. His cousin William Dawin fox who also attended Chists college was entomologist and a collector of beetles. He started to compare the beetles, and thats what led to some of his further research on evolution.
  • The Plinian Society

    The Plinian Society was a student natural history society in the University of Edinburgh. It was founded by Professor Robert Jameson in 1823. Charles Darwin was elected a member on November 28, 1826. Darwin attended as many meetings as he possibly could. After one year of being a member of the Pinion Society, Charles wrote a paper about his thoughts on marine life, which he read to them.
  • USS Beagle

    USS Beagle
    Darwin boarded the USS Beagle, to be the ships naturalist, for a trip around the world. For 5 years, Darwin was able to explore the continent, and islands, including the Galapagos, as they sailed down the coast of South America. Darwin had gone through many notebooks writing careful observations on animals, plants, and geology. He also collected many specimens, which he kept in cages, and brought home for further studying.
  • Galapagos

    During the trip on the USS Beagle, Darwin stopped at the Galapagos islands. Darwin noted that the animals were similar from island to island, but well adapted to their environments, which led him to think about the origin of the islands' inhabitants. One of the animals that stood out the most to him were the finches. particularly because of their odd shaped beaks. the research done here was one of the main points of theories.
  • Slavery Abolition Act

    Enslaved men, women, and children in the British Empire finally became free after a time of being forced apprenticeship. An anti-slavery movement to abolish the slave trade throughout the united kingdom had begun with Britian . There were many protest. The Slavery Abolition Act was repealed by the Statute Law. The one thing it dosent do is prohibits the holding of persons as slaves. This changed the future of Britain significantly.
  • The Great Exibition

    The Great Exhibition was an international exhibition that took place in Hyde Park, London. It was put together by Henry Cole and Prince Albert. objects in the Exhibition were used as the first collection for the South Kensington Museum and what later became the Victoria and Albert Museum. This represented the period of huge growth in Britain, not just scientifically. the more and more Britain advanced, the stronger its became.
  • Britian + France declare war on Russia

    Britain and France became partners and declared war on Russia. War had been ongoing between Russia and the Ottoman Empire over Russia’s rights to protect Orthodox Christians. "The French promoted the rights of Catholics while Russia promoted those of the Orthodox.", Britain and France entered the war in order stop Russia. The war ended with the signing of the Treaty of Paris.This would alter the future of all countries included significantly.
  • Theory of Evolution

    Charles Darwins theory is a widely held notion that all life is related and has descended from a common ancestor. As genetic mutations occur within an organism's genetic code, the good mutations are preserved because they help in survival, a process known as natural selection.Charles Darwin’s theory was not accepted at first and was not fully until many years later. People were led to believe the old teachings and never veered from the new
  • Origin of Species

    Darwin applied his Theory of Evolution, and many of his other novels to create the sum of his life’s work into one book. Darwin’s book explains the scientific theory that generations evolve over the process of natural selection. Darwin used the research he found on his voyage on the USS Beagle, and also other experiments and data found else where to create this novel. This is his most famous book he had ever written and the most important in the scientific world.
  • 'The Descent of Man' published

    'The Descent of Man' published
    The Descent of Man discussed the evolution of humanity and the role of sexual selection.The book goes over evolutionary psychology, evolutionary ethics, human races, differences between genders, the dominant role of women in mate choice, and the evolutionary theory to society. Charles Darwin expected a wave of people to argue with his claims that humans were descended from other animals. This did not because his 'Origins' already took all the fire.
  • The Married Woman's Property Act

    The Married Women's Property Act was an Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom that altered English law having to do with the property rights of married women, which allowed married women to own property. woman often he'd limited rights, many were left in poverty so things had to change .The Act changed the common law to include the wife’s right to own, buy and sell her separate property.This made a large difference in the country because if not, woman would be almost powerless today.
  • Charles Darwin dies

    Charles Darwin dies
    Darwin even to his last day was experimenting and trying to learn new things. His research on climbing plants and the earthworms resulted in lots of books. His legacy still lives today with all the amazing things he did.
  • Spanish Revolution

    The Spanish Revolution was a social revolution that began during the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War and resulted in the various portions of the country for two to three years, Catalonia, Aragon, Andalusia, and parts of the Valencia Community Much put under worker control. This made an impact in the rest of the world, but mostly that area. the future of the county and its people depended on that.