Charles Darwin 1809-1882

  • Charles Darwin

    Charles Darwin was an English naturalist, ecologist, and biologist. He is best recognized for his contribution to evolutionary biology.
  • HMS Beagle

    While attending to Cambridge University, Darwin was offered an internship as a naturalist on an exploratory voyage on the naval vessel HMS Beagle. The voyage explored areas such as Australia, South America, and Galapagos Islands for years.
  • Darwin Returns

    In 1836, the HMS Beagle returned to England. Darwin then begins to reflect on his observation on the voyage, it took Darwin over two years to be able to formulate the theory of evolution. However, he was hesitant to share his finding with the world, it was 20 years later when he finally published his findings.
  • Origin of Species

    He also stated that there were two factors contributed to evolution: each offspring has a small difference from their parent, he called these differences “variables”. The second factor was that “variables” intent a purpose that gives them an advantage to survive and to reproduce. Overtime, these “variables” that are advantageous begin to develop and is passed through generation, eventually evolving to bigger changes in the species.
  • Darwin Published His Work

    In 1959, Darwin published On the Origin Of Species, which was inspired by Alfred Russel Wallace, a naturalist who had proposed a similar theory of evolution in 1958. Although the book was a bestseller, it faced controversy by the English religious, and scientists. Darwin has expected the backlash and was one of the factors as to why he decided to delay the publishing of his findings.
  • Origin of Species

    Although years prior the theory of evolution has been debated, Darwin provided an explanation as to why that was accurate. Darwin theorized that all creatures descended from a small group of original creatures.
  • After Charles Darwin's Death

    Although Darwin’s work was found controversial, by the time of his death in the 1880’s, evolutionary theory has been generally accepted in Britain.
  • Educational Video and Sources

    Cameron, Julia. "Darwin and His Theory of Evolution." Pew Research, 4 Feb. 2009,