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Charles Darwin, 1809-1882

  • Darwin's First Published Work

    Darwin's First Published Work
    Darwin published his work titled On the Origin of Species. This is his first articulation of Darwinism. It also discusses the philosophy of Natural Selection and the theory of evolution. Lennox, J. (2019, July 24). Darwinism. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Retrieved July 24, 2022, from Image Citation:
    Palca, J. (2009, November 24). At 150, Darwin's 'origin' stirs even more debate. NPR. Retrieved July 24, 2022
  • Second Published Work: The Descent of Man, and Selection in Relation to Sex

    Second Published Work: The Descent of Man, and Selection in Relation to Sex
    These two books were published at the same time. The Descent of Man theorizes the comparison between humans and apes - evolution of civilization. The Selection in Relation to Sex is supposed to act as a response to critics and discusses how females select their mates. Desmond, A. J. (2022, April 15). Charles Darwin. Encyclopedia Britannica.
  • The Expression of Emotions in Man and Animals

    The Expression of Emotions in Man and Animals
    This is Darwin's third famous work. This book discusses the similarities of emotion between man and animals. It depicts that humans and animals share similar behaviors. Jabr, F. (2010, May 24). The evolution of emotion: Charles Darwin's little-known psychology experiment. Scientific American Blog Network. Retrieved July 24, 2022, from
  • Insectivorous Plants

    Insectivorous Plants
    Darwin published a book titled Insectivorous Plants. In his autobiography he discusses how this study was completed at his leisure and posted his work 16 years later. He found that planets also have emotions and relates this to animal digestion. Insectivorous plants. Darwin Online. (n.d.). Retrieved July 24, 2022, from