Charles Darwin 12 February 1809 - 19 April 1882

  • Volume I

    Volume I
    In 1859 Charles Darwin Published the first edition of his book series On the origin of species by means of natural selection, or the preservation of favored races in the struggle for life. This is when his historic theory of evolution was introduced to the world. However, this theory later to be referred to as Darwinism, was exposed to a select few in the years prior to this publication.
    This link will provide more information on his theory of evolution:
  • Debate

    On this date a truly iconic debate over evolution took place. This debate was in Oxford during the British Association for the Advancement of Science meeting. Since the debut of Darwin’s theory there was a lot of controversy presented. Samuel Wilberforce (bishop of Oxford) and Thomas Huxley (Darwin’s friend and superior) commentated on the theory. Wilberforce tried to debunk it while Huxley defended it. Huxley won the argument, thus winning the populous’ opinion in favor of the evolution theory.
  • Variation

    In 1871, Darwin published a piece defending his position on man’s evolution from an animal species called The Descent of Man, and Selection in Relation to Sex. This book emphasized and elaborated upon the variation that makes his theory of evolution possible.
  • Worms

    In 1881 Charles Darwin published his final work before his passing in 1882 titled The Formation of Vegetable Mould, through the Action of Worms, with Observations on their Habits. This book focused on earthworms’ impact on the Earth’s surface. It is said that Darwin was as fascinated with worms as he was humans being that this was not his first piece on worms.