Public Burning of Books
There were public burnings of books written by jews, ploitical dissidents, and other not approved by the state. -
Jews barred for serving in the German armed forces -
The March
Germans march into the Rhineland, previously demilitarized by the Versailles Treaty. -
Concentration Camps
Buchenwald concentration camp opens -
Jewish students
All Jewish students were expelled from German schools. -
Leisel Meminger's little brother died
Leisel Meminger's little brother dies on a train her his mothers arms on the way to drop them off at a new family. -
The First Book
Leisel found her first book that was buried deep in the snow. This was during her brothers graveside service. -
Leisel's new family
Leisel's mother can't take care of her anymore so she brings her to a new family. Their names are Hans and Rosa. They have one son but he doesn't visit very often. -
Death takes the souls of the ones who have died -
World Warr II
The begginning of World War II: Germany invades Poland -
Yellow Star
Jews in German-occupied Polad forced to wear an armband or yellow star. -
Leisel's second book
After learning how to read by Hans helping her, she steals her second book called " The Shoulder Shrug". -
Leisel learns how to read
Leisels new papa named Hans, helps her how to learn how to read. She likes reading because it destracts her and helps her calm down. -
Leisels summer
Leisel meets her new neighbor named Rudy and they hang out together a lot. Rudy has a big crush on Leisel and always asks for a kiss but Leisel of course says no. THey go on many adventures together and have fun. They are always there for eachother. -
Leisel and Rudy steal
Leisel and Rudy try to steal apples from a farmer, but they get caught. The farmer get really mad so they run away, as fast as they can from the farmer. -
Library Stealing
Leisel visits the library and she climbs through the window and steals a book. She contunies to do this throughout the whole book. -
Burning books
Leisel steals a book that was bruning in the fire. She puts it under her shirt and she the book burns her stomach but she says its worth it. -
Max Arrives
Hans and Rosa decide to take in a Jew that was stuggling off of the street. They let him sleep in their basement. Max is very quiet and usually stays down in the freezing basement for most of the time. -
Leisels Birthday
Leisels birthday is today and Max gives her a book for her 11th birthday. She was suprised and enjoys it a lot. -
Max and Leisel
Max and Leisel get along very well. They realize they both have something in common. And that is reading. They both love to read and write so they spend a lot of time together and get along very well. -
Frau Holtsapfel
There is a lot of bombing going on so we always have to take shelter. Frau Holtsapfel always comes down with us and I always read to her because she likes it. -
Bombing part II
Leisel runs over to Rudy's house and she feels like she is the only one who survived the bombing. She finds Rudy's body and she starts crying. She then realizes that she did deeply love Rudy. And she tries to bring him back by kissing him for a long time. -
Leisel was in the basement of her house writing a story and had fallen asleep. When she wakes up there are people helping her out of rubble and ruins. She runs all over the place looking for her father and mother. When she finds them they are dead. -
Death march
The beginning of the death march of approximatley 40,000 Jews from Budapest to Austria. -
Hiter commits suicide -
Japan Surrenders; this is the end of World War II