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Chapters 4-5

  • 33

    Romans execute jesus

    Romans execute jesus
    The Romans execute Jesus on a cross, where he died (of course)
  • 66

    Jewish revolts

    Jewish revolts
    the Jewish revolted against the romans
  • 312

    The empire accepts christianity

    The empire accepts christianity
    the roman empire lets Christianity not be illegal.
  • 330

    new christian communities

    new christian communities
    more and more christian communities start popping up
  • 570

    muhhamad is born

    muhhamad is born
    Muhammad was born
  • 600

    the first pope

    the first pope
    A bishop was turned into a pope
  • 622

    Muhammad goes to Madinah

    Muhammad goes to Madinah
    he goes to Madinah
  • 700

    The great split

    The great split
    the Christianity was split in half
  • 800

    Baghdad is the center of Islamic culture

    Baghdad is the center of Islamic culture
    it's the center of Islamic culture
  • 900

    Al raz writes medical texts

    Al raz writes medical texts
    he writes medical stuff to help
  • 1258

    Mongols burn Baghdad

    Mongols burn Baghdad
    the mean mongols burn poor Baghdad.
  • 1500

    Suleiman rules Ottoman

    Suleiman rules Ottoman
    the guy ruled Ottoman