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Chapters 21 and 22 by: Noah and Luis

  • Lincoln is elected President

    Lincoln is elected President
    Lincolns election was significant as it left many southern states without hope of keeping their slaves by staying with the union, in result many secede to maintain their way of life.
  • southern states secede

    southern states secede
    Virginia secedes from the Union, followed within five weeks by Arkansas, Tennessee, and North Carolina, thus forming an eleven state Confederacy with a population of 9 million, including nearly 4 million slaves. The Union will soon have 21 states and a population of over 20 million.
  • The Civil War Begins

    The Civil War Begins
    The confederates, led by General Pierre Beauregard open fire with 50 cannons upon Fort Sumter in Charleston, South Carolina, starting the Civil War.
  • Lincoln requests army

    Lincoln requests army
    Lincoln addresses Congress and requests the enlistment of a Union Army. Congress authorizes a call for 500,000 men. It is clear now that the war will not be short.
  • Battle of Bull Run

    Battle of Bull Run
    Was the first major battle fought in the civil war between the Union and Conferedate troops, that were led by Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson. This battle was significant do to the confederate win by making the Union retreat, and showed both sides that the war would be bloodier and longer than expected, and that both sides needed training.
  • The Battle of Shiloh

    The Battle of Shiloh
    Union soldiers led by General Ulysses S. Grant's are surprised with an an attack by the confederates at the town of Shiloh in Tennessee. The battle results in 13,000 Union and 10,000 Confederate casualties, more than in all previous American wars combined
  • Seven Days Battles

    Seven Days Battles
    Was a series of battles that resulted in Confederate victories in Virginia, during which Lee stopped the Union's campaign against Richmond and drove the union back toward the sea, this was a counterattack to McClellan's Peninsula Campaign
  • Battle of Antietam

    Battle of Antietam
    The Battle of Antietam was the bloodiest day in United States history. Over 26,000 men are killed, wounded or missing in action on both sides. The battle officially ended with a draw, but it stopped General Robert E. Lee's invasion of Maryland and he retreated back to Virginia.
  • Emancipation Proclamation

    Emancipation Proclamation
    The Emancipation Proclamation was issued under Lincolns administration. It proclaimed all those enslaved in Confederate territory to be forever free, and ordered the Army to treat as free all those enslaved in ten states that were still in rebellion, thus applying to 3.1 million of the 4 million slaves in the U.S. This was significant as it turned the war into a fight for the freedom of slaves, in which would make European countries to stay out from supporting the pro-slavery South.
  • Battle of Vicksburg

    Battle of Vicksburg
    Was the battle for an important Confederate fortress on the Mississippi, that after two months of fighting surrendered to the Union general Ulysses S. Grant, it was important do to its fall to the Union effectively cut the South in two.
  • Battle of Gettysburg

    Battle of Gettysburg
    This battle was significant as it was the turning point in the war as the south had lost to the north and its chance to invade the north, in which with 50,000 dead made it clear the north would win
  • The Presidential Election of 1864

    The Presidential Election of 1864
    The presidential election was Lincoln vs. McClellan, in which Lincoln ran for the objective of foghting for the immediate restoration of the Union, and McCllan running for the immediate termination of the war with peace between both, the North and South, including giving the South independence from the Union. This election was significant as Lincoln won to keep the Union together instead of in two different nations.
  • The Freedmens Bureau is Established

    The Freedmens Bureau is Established
    The Freedmens Bureau was established to provide assistance to former slaves. The Bureau also negotiated labor contracts and settled disputes between black and white Southerners.
  • The Civil War Ends

    The Civil War Ends
    The civil war ends when General Robert E. Lee surrenders to Ulysses S. Grant at Appomattox Courthouse in Virginia after their last battle, Battle of Appomattox Courthouse,
  • Lincolns Assassination

    Lincolns Assassination
    Lincoln gets shot and killed by John Wilkes Booth at Ford's Theater in Washington D.C.
  • Slavery is Abolished by 13th Amendment

    Slavery is Abolished by 13th Amendment
    The Thirteenth Amendment is ratified by the States and slavery is abolished.
  • Black Codes Enacted

    Black Codes Enacted
    Southern states enact laws that restrict the rights of African Americans. These Black Codes enraged Northerners who belived these codes were another form of slavery, so many began pushing for some kind of protection for their rights.
  • The Civil Rights Act

    The Civil Rights Act
    This act stated that all persons born in the U.S., without regard to race or color, were now citizens and shared the same basic rights. This act was significant in that it protected the newly freed slave's rights, but raised resentment and anger in the powerful Southern plantation owners.
  • Ku Klux Klan is Formed

    Ku Klux Klan is Formed
    The Ku Klux Klan was founded in Pulaski, Tennesee and was a secret organization formed to intimidate African Americans and restore white rule. The members disguised themselves in hooded robes while committing crimes against southern blacks and their Republican allies.
  • The Tenure of Office Act

    The Tenure of Office Act
    Was an act enacted over the veto of President Andrew Johnson. It was made to deny the U.S. President from the power to remove anyone who had been appointed by a past President without the advice and consent of the United States Senate, unless the Senate approved the removal during the next full session of Congress. This act got President Johnson impeached when he illegally dismissed Stanton.
  • Reconstruction Acts

    Reconstruction Acts
    In these Reconstruction Acts congress divided the former Confederacy into 5 military districts and required elections in which African Americans can vote. Each district was to be headed by a military official empowered to appoint and remove state officials.
  • The 14th Amendment is Ratified

    The 14th Amendment is Ratified
    An amendment to the U.S. Constitution, ratified in 1868, defining national citizenship and forbidding the states to restrict the basic rights of citizens or other persons. This was important in an attempt to trying to eliminate codes anf restriction put on African-americans in the South at the time
  • Ulysses S. Grant Elected President

    Ulysses S. Grant Elected President
    Former Union General Ulyses S.Grant becomes 18th president of the united states.
  • The 15th Amendment is Ratified

    The 15th Amendment is Ratified
    The !5th amendment extends the right to vote to all male citizens regardless of race or prevoious condition of servitude.
  • Force Acts

    Force Acts
    The government banned the use of terror, force or bribery to prevent someone from voting because of their race. Other laws banned the KKK entirely and brought forth military help to enforce these laws.
  • Election of 1876

    Election of 1876
    In this election, Republican, Rutherford B. Hayes ran against, Democrat, Samuel Tilden in a close race. This election was significant as it would lead to the compromise of 1877 in order to resolve the election winner.
  • Compromise of 1877

    Compromise of 1877
    This compromise ended Reconstruction with the Republicans promising to remove the military from the South and putting Federal money for railroad construction and levees on the Mississippi river, in exchange for the Democrats giving (Republican candidate) Rutherford B. Hayes the sufficient electoral votes to assure his election in the the election of 1876.
  • Reconstruction ends

    Reconstruction ends
    Reconstruction in the South comes to an end when the Compromise of 1877 is approved. This was significant as it allowed the Southern states to go back into a Democratic style Government order, and ended the protection of newly freed slave's rights that the reconstruction offered with troops and organizations, such as the Freedmen's Bureau.