Chapters 1-4

  • First public school opens in Boston

  • Massachusetts Bay Colony passes first educational law

    "all children should be taught to read and write, thus founding the idea on what would become U.S. soil that educating youth is a public responsibility." Schneider, Mercedes K.. School Choice: The End of Public Education? (p. 7). Teachers College Press. Kindle Edition.
  • Massachusetts becomes first..

    state to pass a law providing for comprehensive education directed by a town committee
  • First state board of education

    in Massachusetts
  • Massachusetts abolishes segregation

  • Department of Education Act

    created federal department of education
  • Brown vs. Board of Education

  • Massive Resistance

    Harry F. Byrd, Sr. called for "massive resistance" to desegregation in a press release.
  • General Assembly pushed back-door segregation

    "scholarship" funding, and up to 25% tax deductions for supporting private schools
  • Title IV Act

    helped to end school segregation
  • Biloxi and Jackson school districts forced to desegregate

    U.S. District Judge Sidney Mize ordered the districts to submit plans for integration that would be effective July 1964
  • Title IX of the Education Amendments

    helped end school segregation based on sex
  • San Antonio Independent School District vs. Rodriguez

  • Department of Education becomes a cabinet-level department

  • Reauthorization of ESEA in the form of NCLB

    shifted views from civil rights to school/teacher accountability