

  • Fascist leader Benito Mussolini came to power in italy in 1922 by blaming communists and versailles peace treaty for all ofitaly's problems after the great war

  • dictators rose to power in spain, greece, bulgaria, romania, poland, hungary, and several latin american countries

  • Adolf hitler and his natzis gain power control in Germany

  • Sixty-four countries attended the London Economic Conference

    they discussed currency exchange rates, tariff policies, and other economic issues
  • the united Staes recognizes soviet union

  • secretary of state cordell hull arrived at the seventh international conference of american states at montevideo, Uruagay

  • roosevelt administration abandoned the policy of nonrecognization of revolutionary governments in el salvador

  • the book merchants of death blamed bankers and munitions for leading the nation ito war.

  • the mood of the country was still strongly isolationist despite the fear of hitler and mussolini were dangerous

  • after consolidating what were now dictatorial powers in germany, hitler took bold actions in foreign affairs

  • Benito found an excuse to attack ethiopia

  • congress strengthened this neutrality legislation by prohibiting us citizens from advancing loans and credits to aggressor nations.

  • a gallup poll in 1937 revealed more widespread feelings

  • congress passed another neutrality law