Chapter Twenty Six Timeline

  • Mein Kampf

    Book written by Adolf Hitler during his imprisonment which talks about his life and his views on inferior people. This helped lead to WWII because it made Hitler seem like a good man and Jews to be the “problem”.
  • Stock Market Crash

    Stock Market Crash
    The Federal Reserve bank tightened the available credit which led to brokers quickly demanding for money from the investors which led the market to collapse. This contributed to the Great Depression and European economic degradation.
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    The Great Depression

    An economic crisis and period of low business activity in both the Untied States and Europe. This led to people clinging onto the ideologies of Nazism which contributed to Hitler’s supporters.
  • Japanese Invasion of Manchuria

    Japanese Invasion of Manchuria
    Began when the Japanese wanted to chase out European countries from Asia in order to gain more control of the surrounding areas. Japan then agreed of the unfair Western domination in Asia and this raised tensions internationally. This led to WWII because Mussolini and Hitler wanted to the same.
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    Japanese Expansion

    Japanese Expansion: The Japanese were gaining economic stability and military power which enabled them to chase the Europeans out of Asia because they were controlling to much of it. This movement helped the U.S. to start their part on WWII on Japan.
  • Hitler Comes to Power

    Hitler Comes to Power
    When Hitler became the Chancellor of Germany. This was a big factor in WWII because with Hitler’s power he was able to carry out many decisions regarding the WWII and the Holocaust.
  • Enabling Act

    This act suspended the constitutional government for four years in to meet the crisis in the German economy. This helped WWII flourish because it allowed Hitler to take on control and full power.
  • Nuremburg Laws

    Nuremburg Laws
    Laws enacted by the Nazis that deprived the Jewish Germans of their citizenship and many other hardships. These laws fueled other persecutions of Jews which contributed to WWII.
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    The Etiopian War

    Mussolini’s choice to invade Ethiopia in effort to gain power from the colony and raise Italy’s ranking and status in the world. Hitler used this conflict with the League of Nations which helped him expand his power during WWII.
  • Remilitarization of the Rhineland

    A very daring action taken on by Hitler that broke the Treaty of Versailles with very strong military forces. This contributed to WWII because it broke the Treaty of Versailles and made many European countries upset.
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    The Spanish Civil War

    A revolt against the Republican government of Spain which was supported by conservative elements within the country. This revolt was used for improving military tactics and terrorizing citizens which helped Hitler.
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    "Rape of Nanjing"

    A Japanese attack on China that was given this name because of the brutality towards women and children. This led to WWII because of breaking the values and moral law.
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    The strategy of preventing a war by making concessions for legitimate grievances. Appeasement gave Germany and other Axis powers the opportunity to build up their own strength before attacking the rest of Europe.
  • Anschluss

    The annexation of Austria by Germany. This led to England signing a pact with Poland stating that if Germany invaded Poland, Britain and France would go to war.
  • Munich Confernece

    Munich Confernece
    Held in Munich, this conference amongst Daladier, Mussolini, Hitler, and Chamberlain, led to the agreement that Hitler could have the Sudetenland if he was to stop threatening Czechoslovakia. This contributed to WWII because Hitler had more land and power and he later on invaded the rest of Czechoslovakia.