Quebec Referendum
60-40 in favor of no -
Constitution Signed
Gang of 8 agree to sign a watered down constitution -
Meech Lake Accord Negotiated
Attempt by the Federal government to ensure that Québec's failure would accept the patriation package in 1981. -
Stand off at OKA
The Mohawk people took stand to the city council of OKA trying to take their land. -
Charlottetown Accord
Following the failure of the Meech lake Accord, an attempt to once again to renegotiate Confederation both within and withour Quebec. -
North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) is a pact that unites Canada, Mexico, and the United States in one of the world's largest free-trade zones. It builds on a free-trade agreement between the United States and Canada that became effective in 1989 -
Quebec Referendum
51-49 in favor of no