Johann Amos Comenius
Johann Amos Comenius knew the importance of teaching children at a young age and published "The School of Infancy" -
John Locke
John Locke publishes his essay that children are born with a clean slate with which experiences mold -
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Jean-Jacques Rousseau believed that children should learn from hands-on activities and experiences rather than frigid instruction -
Johann Henrich Pestalozzi
"How Gertrude Teaches Children" is published and outlines home education -
Robert Owen
Robert Owen opens an infant school for refining social skills while parents work in the mills -
Friedrich Wilhelm Froebel
Friedrich Wilhelm Froebel believed that children learned through doing and exploring. -
Social Reform
The education reform was led with the belief that every child deserves to go to school -
Created in Germany, it was originally known for poor kids. Now, it is the first grade that children go into and get an introduction to the grades that will follow. -
Rudolf Steiner
Rudolf Steiner's theory involves imitation rather than instruction -
Maria Montessori
Maria Montessori opens "casa di bambini" or "children's house" in Rome, Italy. She later develops a philosophy on guiding children's growth through senses and events. -
A. S Neill
A. S Neill founds Summerhill School which becomes the first free school. -
Nursery School
Margaret McMillan opens a school that teaches health and play, which is called a nursery school. -
Sputnik was launched into orbit. This changed the game for STEM education. -
Head Start
The Head Start approach prioritizes physical, cognitive, social, and emotional development. It promotes school readiness for children. -
HighScope teaches using well-supported activities of the child's choosing -
Standards are the desired outcomes for kids, birth to kindergarten entry -
Developmentally appropriate practices (DAP) are how early childhood educators are to act with and teach young kids -
No Child Left Behind
The "No Child Left Behind" act is passed. This act helped children of color and disabled children in the school setting