chapter nine timeline

  • The buying of Alaska

    The buying of Alaska
    Seward made the move to purchase Alaska from Russia. Many didn't agree with the purchase because it was a big cold box!
  • considering Hawaii

    considering Hawaii
    Seward considered aquiring the Hawaiian islands. Most people didn't want it because its so far away and hard to control.
  • Put navel base on hawaii

    We pressured Hawaii to allow us to put a navel base called Perl Harbor. This was a good navel base because you could you can see alot more continets!
  • sources

    sources= socail text book
  • New leader of hawaii

    New leader of hawaii
    Queen Liliuokalani became the new leader of Hawaii. She was the sister of the former leader!
  • USS Maine

    USS Maine
    President Mikinly sent the USS Maine (ship) to cuba. For the Spanish-American war.
  • Cuban independence

    President Mikinly signed a congressional resolutoin that gave cuba independence. Also demanded a withdrawl from spanish forces.
  • Battle in manila bay

    Battle in manila bay
    The battle in Manila Bay started early that morning. 380 spanish soliders died 0 american soliders died.
  • Truce

    Spain finally signed a truce; wars over!
  • Peace treaty

    The final peace treatyfbetween spanish and Americans was signed in paris.
  • open door policy

    open door policy
    secertary of state Jon Hay asked nations involved in region to follow the open door policy. This means no single country can havee a monopoly on trade with china.