
Chapter 9:Becoming a World Power ( 1880- 1917 )

  • European Division from Africa

    European Division from Africa
    European nations divide Central and West Arfica at the Berlin West Africa Confrence, which lasted around four whole months. The leading countries slowly took Africa at random without any say of the African people.
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  • Hawaii Gives rights to U.S. Pearl Harbor

    Hawaii Gives rights to U.S. Pearl Harbor
    Hawwau grants United States exclusive use of Pearl Harbor by signing the "Riciprocity Treaty". Which gave the United States permission to trade sugars.
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  • Grover Cleveland is elected president

    Grover Cleveland  is elected president
    Grover Cleveland is elected president, beating Harrison. He is also the first president to be elected twice, but not in a row. Grover was very popular in the south-eastern states.
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  • Planters Vs. Hawaiin Queen

    Planters Vs. Hawaiin Queen
    Planters overthrow the Hawaiin queen, Liliuokalani under the power is a man named Sanford Ballar Dole, He also became the president of Hawaii only because he made the rules. ( )
  • The first Sino-Japanese War ends.

    The first Sino-Japanese War ends.
    The First Sino-Japanese War ends with Japanese victory over China. A war that started on August 1, 1894 between Qing, China and Meiji, Japan. Ultimatly, Japan won. Not without a very large death toll. Around 35,000 for china and 30,000 from Japan.
  • William McKinley becomes President

    William McKinley becomes President
    William McKinley is elected President. The 25th president at that. He is from Niles, Ohio. Because of poor schooling he later then moved to Poland, though. ( no exact date of his elected day )
  • Boxer Rebellion

    Boxer Rebellion
    Boxer Rebelion occurs in China when a few groups of Chinese peasants around northern China began joining together as a secret society known as "I-ho ch'üan"
    ( in English it means "Righteous and Harmonious Fists"),
  • Theodore Rosevelt Becomes President

    Theodore Rosevelt Becomes President
    Theodore Rosevekt becomes president after McKinley is assassinated. Theodore Rosevelt , only 43 , becomes the youngest president ever. He is one of the most known presidents in the U.S. for his great deads. He is the 26th president.
  • Theodore Roosevelt is ELECTED President

    Theodore Roosevelt is ELECTED President
    Roosevelt is elected President.he had 7,623,486 votes in his favor. Although Many favored a different Female named hanah, his popularity won over. Theodore is also a republican.
  • Russo-Janapnese war

    Russo-Janapnese war
    Russo-Japanese War Begins by a conflict between Russia and Japan over territorial expansion in East Asia. After Russia leased the strategically important Port Arthur (now Lüshun, China) and expanded into Manchuria (northeastern China), it faced the increasing power of Japan.
    ( NO EXACT DAY )