Chapter 8 - Imperial and Colonial Policy

  • Canada semi-independent dominion

  • Germany alliance with Austria-Hungary

  • Cape Colony given some form of self government

    British control over defence, international commerce, foreign affairs
  • Italy joins German Austro-Hungarian Alliance

  • Indian National Congress established

    Professional middle class Indians
    Criticised British trading agreements, restraints on Indian industry, heavy taxation on Indians - used to pay British civil servants
  • Marquess of Lansdowne appointed Viceroy

    Marquess of Lansdowne appointed Viceroy
  • 30 Indians in civil service

  • The Indian Councils Act

    Gov Gen
    6 Members of exec council
    Commander in Chief
    Head of province
    Some degree of educated Indian representation - exploited differences between elite and illiterate masses
  • Military agreements between France and Russia

  • Sultan Hamad appointed in Zanzibar

    Sultan Hamad appointed in Zanzibar
  • Earl of Elgin appointed Viceroy

    Earl of Elgin appointed Viceroy
  • Alliance formed between France and Russia

  • Sultan Hamoud appointed in Zanzibar

    Sultan Hamoud appointed in Zanzibar
  • Fashoda Incident

  • Curzon appointed as Viceroy

    Curzon appointed as Viceroy
  • Second Anglo Boer War

    Germany supplied weapons to Boers
  • Movement of 300,000 Russian troops

    Railway to Tashkent - within striking distance of Afghanistan
    Brit stretched by war in SA
    GB had fewer than 100,000 soldiers in Indian army to defend northern India
    Russia naval present in Toulon - threat to Suez Canal
  • Imperial Cadet Corps formed

    Appease Indian princes and elite figures
    Give them military training and special officer commissions
    Reformed unis and police
    Tied money to gold standard to ensure stable currency
  • Imperial Cadet Corps disbanded

  • Australia dominion

  • British signed Entente Cordiale with France

    Did not provide much security - Britain v Triple Alliance
    Left relationship with Russia open
  • Earl of Minto appointed Viceroy

    Earl of Minto appointed Viceroy
    Following Curzon's resignation after the partition of Bengal
  • Partition of Bengal

    Partition of Muslim majority East Bengal + Assam and Hindu majority of West Bengal
    Hindu elite owned land in East which they leased to Muslim peasants - were therefore annoyed
    Strikes, protests, boycotts of British made goods - thought it was bc of their criticisms of British rule
    Surendranath Banerjee led campaigns - new strand of nationalism
    Curzon attempted to counter by strict censorship of press
    Split INC between moderates and extremists
  • Russia faced humiliating defeat from Japan

  • Kaiser threatened French interests in Morocco

  • Secret convos between British and French

  • Naval race with Germany intensified

  • Algericas Conference

    Following Kaiser threatening Morocco
    Britain stood by France
    Strengthened Anglo-French Alliance
  • Newfoundland and NZ become dominions

  • Triple Entente

    Britain, France, Russia
    Declared Persia neutral zone
    Recognised Afghanistan as British sphere of influence
  • Representative gov at provincial level

    Viceroy at head
    Strict limitations on size of civil service - pay + pensions were costly
    No more than 3 or 4 officers per district
  • Morley Minto Reforms

    Elections for Indians - could vote depending on how much taxes they paid
    Separate electorate for Muslims
    Central legislative council from 16 to 60
    Functions of legislative council enlarged
    Satyendra Prasad Sinha first Indian in exec council appointed as law member
    27 Indians elected from provincial constituencies to Viceroy's Council - assisted Viceroy and aided in creating legislation
  • Imperial Conference

    Considered forming a Dominion fleet
    Britain accepted it couldn't maintain 2 power standard (match two next strongest naval powers)
    Settles for 60% margin over Germany
  • Lord Hardinge appointed Viceroy

    Lord Hardinge appointed Viceroy
  • Further democratic reforms in India

    Enlarged provincial councils - 135 Indians on council
  • South African states united

  • New Delhi replaces Calcutta as capital of India

    New Delhi replaces Calcutta as capital of India
    Calcutta was Hindu majority but Delhi was Muslim strong hold - undermine revolutionary Hindu groups
  • George V visited India

    George V visited India
    Delhi Durbar to celebrate
    Display of power and pageantry
    Shore up loyalty of Indian princely rulers
  • Bengal unpartitioned

  • Moroccan Rebels attacked Fez

    French sent 20,000 soldiers to disperse rebels
    Kaiser sent warship (The Panther) to port of Agadir to "prevent French invasion"
    British scared Kaiser wanted to seize Agadir - was near Gibraltar - prepared Royal Navy for war
    Kaiser Wilhelm gave up and called it a day
  • 12% margin over German navy looks too ambitious

  • Attempts to come to agreement with Germany failed

    Brit withdrew from Mediterranean - redeploy in North Sea
    Army remodelled for deployment on European Mainland
    Britain reduced to relying on French support
  • Less than 60 Indians in civil service

  • Rus, Ger, Italy all wanted to expand into Balkans

    Ottoman Empire in decline - were in control of Balkan states
    Austria-Hungary wanted to crush Slavs
  • Franz Ferdinand assassinated by Bosnian Serb Slav

  • Britain joins WW1

    Kaiser did not reply to British ultimatum
    Viceroy Hardinge unilaterally declares war on India's behalf
    1.4 million volunteers from India
    Hopes for new deal once war was over
  • Germany invades Belgium