Chapter 8

  • Minute Men at Concord

    20,000 men who gave their lives up to fight the British at Concord
  • Second Continental Congress

    all 13 colonies went to decide whether or not the colonies should stay with Britain or be free independent states. They chose to have independence
  • Bunker Hill

    colonists seized a hill which manslaughtered the enemy in Boston because the British troops launched a frontal attack. The Americans were winning until they ran out of gunpowder and had to retreat
  • Olive Branch Petition

    created by the Continental Congress. Telling the crown about American loyalty to Britain but they should stop taxing us and let us be.
  • Assault on Montgomery

    When Benedict Arnold was eating shoes and dogs when Richard Montgomery came and attacked him. Montgomery lost his life while Arnold got shot in the leg.
  • Common Sence

    Written by Thomas Paine. Mentioned the ideas of a republic. Why does a tiny island like Britain control a vast continent like America? Let the people be the people not to let a monarchy control the people
  • Evacuation Day

    when the British soldiers left Boston (still celebrated today)
  • Declaration of Independence

    spoke about natural rights of humankind not just British rights. A doctrine of the freedom of all men/ Americans
  • Model Treaty

    to guide American commissioners. John Adams was the author. "No political connection, no military connection, only a commercial connection."
  • Washington Crossing the Delaware

    Washington left Pennsylvania with 24 hundred men to surprise British forces
  • Battle of Trenton

    Washington surprised and captured 1,000 Hessians who were sleeping after their Christmas celebration.
  • Battle of Princeton

    a week after the battle of Trenton. Where Washington told his men to create a big fire, so that the British think that Washington was still in Trenton. He surprised the British troops in Princeton and won.
  • Battle of Brandywine

    The battle in Philadelphia where the British won. Washington and his men had to relocate to Valley Forge, where he had no supplies.
  • Battle of Saratoga

    general Burgoyne had to surrender because he was unable to advance attaching. America won. Was the turning point in war because Americans started to have hope and the French became their alliance
  • Battle of Monmouth

    men collapsed or died from sunstroke. British escaped to NY, although 1/3 Hessians deserted. Washington won
  • Battle of Yorktown

    one of the most important American victories. Cornwaills lost supplies so he sent a message to the British army saying that he will be at Yorktown waiting for the supplies. Washington and the French heard this and surrounded him, before the British were able to supply him. He surrendered and the war was basically over.
  • Treaty of Paris

    British formally recognized the independence of the U.S. Granted generous boundaries stretching to the Mississippi on the West, to the Great Lakes on the North, and Spanish Florida on the South