Chapter 7 - Professional Education

  • First public school in America

    The first public school in the colonies was founded. The Boston Latin School.
  • First girls academy opens in Philadelphia

    This allowed girls to have some form of education, although it was likely not to the same degree the men were receiving.
  • Chalkboard introduced to classroom

    The first piece of technological innovation introduced to classrooms
  • First college for women

    This was an important step for women, making sure that they were awarded some sort of education even if it wasn't quite the same that white men were getting.
  • University of Iowas admission rules change

    The first university to allow men and women into their university on an equal basis.
  • Department of Education created

    This is so important, as it is a huge part of the foundation of current education within America.
  • First school for the deaf

    This is a good first step to making sure that people who are deaf and have other disabilities can still get some for education.
  • University of Nebraska founded

    The greatest university in America was founded -
  • University Hall at UNL constructed

  • Farm campus was founded at UNL

  • Indian boarding schools

    This is a controversial topic, Native American students were taken from their home and put into mainstream American schools to try to get them to fit our standards.
  • Second Building at UNL built

  • UNL library was built

  • First public community college

    Joilet Junior College was opened, allowing students to get a cheaper education or get an Associate's degree instead of a Bachelors
  • Medical College merged with UNL

  • "Books will be obsolete"

    Thomas Edison said that books will soon not be used in schools and that everything could be taught through a "motion picture". He was correct. Page 187
  • Transportation for students funded

    There was funding finally given to help get students to school. This would have helped the number of students able to attend school.
  • World War 2

    Education is lowered in importance while the war is happening. Most resources are going to help the fight and education get put to the side as young men and teachers enlist.
  • Brown vs. Board of Education

    Segregation became illegal in the classrooms. This was a huge step for people of color and for the right to equal education.
  • First ACT test

    SAT and ACT are still used today to standardize learning and get information on students' knowledge to let colleges know their strengths and weaknesses.
  • Student numbers increased

    Enrollment went for 8,000 to 20,000 students in 9 years
  • UNL grew into the same large institution it is today

  • The term "Learning Disabled" is coined

    This would forever change the education of special education students. Special associations were formed to help students with learning disabilities.
  • University of Nebraska officially named

  • Microcomputers affordable

    Students were able to afford computers to take home, they were able to practice drills outside of school. (page 190)
  • A Nation At Risk report

    This report required all high school students to know how to work a computer. (page 190)
  • Online campus created

    The first online campus was created by the University of Phoenix and really set the foundation for online education
  • Project CHILD

    Project CHILD is Computers Helping Instruction and Learning Development. This is helping incorporate technology into classrooms
  • Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

    Prevents discrimination against people with disabilities, especially in education.
  • Different colleges developed within UNL

  • Massachusetts Education Reform Act

    This act made common core education and standardized testing a requirement for all schools in Massachusetts. Other states follow in their footsteps
  • Audacity invented

    Audacity is used in classrooms to help with foreign language and ESL education.
  • No Child Left Behind

    Allows students the right to a free education regardless of their socioeconomic status.
  • National Education Technology Plan

    To further integrating technology into schools (page 190)
  • Technology Infusion Project

    The University of Virginia is working with teachers in local schools to help them learn more about technology and keeping them up to speed. Page 216
  • Tablet sales increase

    The sales of tablets for school use increased by 340% in one year.
  • Disparities within races

    US census showed that there is still inequality when it comes to access of technology within different races. Page 217
  • 85% of adults reported using the internet

    Adults and children are able to access internet at home, helping education along. Page 217
  • Teachers only spend 3% of their day with other teachers

    This really limits the amount of collaboration possible. Page 210
  • Survey of Middle and High school teachers

    It was found that within the National Writing Project, 78% of teachers agree that technology helps grow creativity. page 195
  • Virtual Schools

    More than 25 states offer online schooling for students. Making it about 2 million students taking school online.
  • 3D printers begin being used

    Chapter 7 page 203
  • Three out of Four teens use a mobile device to get the internet

  • App Generation label coined

    Today's children were labeled App Generation by Howard Gardner. page 188
  • National Educational Technology Standards for Teachers

    Page 215 - Teachers are taught computer skills in college and expected to keep up with new technology.

    A website that offers free resources for teachers and offers the ability to collaborate. page 215
  • Teachers strikes

    In West Virginia and Arizona, teachers are paid very little. There was a strike in protest of that and they were awarded raises.
  • COVID19

    COVID19 closed down schools, forever changing the typical layout and amount of students allowed in classrooms.
  • Amount of time spent online has jumped

    The average time spent online jumped from 2.7 hours to 18 hours a week in the past 10 years. (2010-2020) (page 188)