Chapter 7

  • 307

    New England Primer

    Basic school text published p. 307
  • Latin grammar school

    First established in Boston
    P. 315
  • Old Deluder Satan Act

    All children need to learn to read
    p. 307
  • Reverend Cotton Mather

    Started evening school for slaves
    P. 323
  • Horace Mann

    P. 313
  • Chalkboards used

    p. 186
  • Female Academy

    Established in New York
  • First high school

    First public English high school in Boston
    P. 318
  • Horace Mann

    Elected to Massachusetts House of Representatives
    P. 313
  • Female Academy

    Established in Connecticut
  • Female academy

    Established in Massachusetts
    P. 317
  • Horace Mann

    Establishes first public normal school
    P. 313
  • Approximately 6,000 academies

    P. 317
  • Horace Mann

    Becomes president of Antioch College
    P. 313
  • US Congress passes Morrill Act

    P. 324
  • Public School Education

    Kindergarten education established in St. Louis
    P. 312
  • Kalamazoo Case

    P. 318
  • First African American school

    Booker T. Washington
    P. 324
  • Plessy v. Ferguson

    P. 325
  • Film projectors, motion pictures introduced

    p. 186
  • Thomas Edison

    Thomas Edison says books will soon be obsolete
    p. 187
  • Progressive Education Association

    P. 314
  • Brown vs. Board of Education

    P. 327
  • Elementary and Secondary Education Act

    P. 332
  • Lau v. Nichols

    P. 334
  • US Withdraws from Vietnam

    P. 333
  • Microcomputers

    Become affordable
    p. 187
  • Plyler v. Doe

    P. 332
  • Nation At Risk Report

    High schoolers need to learn technology
    p. 190
  • ADA

    P. 336
  • IDEA

    P. 336
  • No Child Left Behind

    P. 331
  • Race to the Top

    P. 336
  • National Education Technology Plan

    p. 190
  • 85%

    Adults reported using internet
    p. 217
  • US Center Bureau

    Reports racial disparities against access to and use of technology
    p. 217