
Chapter 5 Lesson 3/4

  • Continental Congress Meets

    All colonies but Georgia have representatives. Voted to send a “statement of grievances”, voted to boycott all british trade, patrick henry urged colonists to unite against britain
  • Bunker Hill

    Bunker Hill
    Battle fought on Breeds hill, British won the fight, Many people lost their lives.
  • 1000 redcoats in boston

    1000 redcoats in boston
    General Gage brought thousands of British soldiers to Boston with more coming soon
  • Midnight ride of Paul Revere

    Midnight ride of Paul Revere
    Paul Revere rode to the Sons of Liberty to warn them of the British on their way
  • Battle of Lexington and Concord

    Battle of Lexington-1st battle of American revolutionary war, British won, and you could "hear shots around the world" Battle of Concord-Americans stop the british and make them all retreat, and americans win
  • Continteal congress meet for the second time

    Set up post office, creative continents army led by George Washington , Sent Olive Branch asking King to protest their rights, And prints money
  • Capture of fort Ticonderoga

    Benedict Arnold and Ethan Allen worked together to capture the fort, They took all of the supplies inside the fort, and the Americans win
  • Washington arrives at outskirts of Boston with continental troops

    George realizes that the men are unorganized, need discipline and help, and he also needs more guns.
  • Common sense by Thomas Paine

    Common sense by Thomas Paine
    Thomas Paine makes a pamphlet trying to persuade more colonists to become patriots, He made many political arguments to try and get people to understand him, and to be on his side.
  • British surrender Boston

    British surrender Boston
    George Washington now believes his army is ready, and their weapons arrive. George puts cannons on Dorchester overlooking Boston
  • Second continental congress meets for independance

    All of the thirteen colonies vote yes for independance.
  • The decloration of independance is signed

    The decloration of independance is signed