Monroe Doctrine
A U.S. policy warning European nations that the U.S. will not be ignoring or excusing further colonization nor puppet monarchs. -
United States purchases Alaska from Russia
The U.S. purchases Alaska from Russia for $7.2 million. -
Midway Islands annexed by U.S.
Caption N.C. Brooks reported that the islands belonged to the U.S, soon after they claimed it and named it the Midway Islands and was given control of it to the U.S. Navy. -
U.S. tariffs cause Hawaiian Sugar Cane prices to rise
The increase in countries exporting Hawaii’s sugar cane caused the rise in price, then causing the decline in sugar production. -
Grover Cleveland elected President (2nd time)
Grover Cleveland was elected President returning for his second term as the United States President. -
Period: to
American Economic Depression of 1893
The Big economic depression leading to political realignment of 1896 and the presidency of William McKinley. -
Cuban separatists revolt against Spanish rule
The Cuban Independence Movement teamed up with the U.S. to free them from Spanish Colonial presence (Spanish-American War). -
Spain institutes reconcentration on Cubans
The Reconcentration camps issued by Spain were meant to keep the Cubans under their control, alive, and defended. 30% of them perished from bad conditions in these camps. -
Philippine (Filipino) Rebels revolt against Spain
Filipino nationalists fought to be free from Spanish rule which caused a war between them and a war between Filipinos and the U.S. -
President McKinley elected to First term
William McKinley was elected as the 25th President of the United States. -
President McKinley sends USS Maine to Havana with Spain's permission
The President sends USS Maine to Havana to protect American interests in Cuba where American ships were blown up which eventually leads to war with Spain. -
De Lôme Letter
This letter written by Señor Don Enrique Dupuy de Lôme describes what this Spanish Ambassador thinks of President McKinley’s diplomacy and the Spanish involvement in Cuba. -
U.S. annexes Hawaii
On July 12th The U.S. annexed Hawaii. -
Spanish-American War begins
The United States declared war on Spain In 1898 after they sunk America’s ships in Havana harbor. -
Teller Amendment passed
An Amendment that placed restrictions of military presence in Cuba. -
U.S. captures Philippines from Spain
The Spanish fleet guarding the Philippines was defeated by the U.S. and taken over. -
Equiano Aguinaldo captured by U.S. forces in Philippines
The Philippine revolutionary leader becomes captured by U.S. forces on March 23rd. -
China divided into "spheres of influence“
In this time, Europe took over ports, trades, and disregarded the Chinese. -
Open Door Policy
A term used in foreign affairs meaning that China’s trade system was open to all countries. -
Boxer Rebellion in China
An organization made up of Chinese Nationalists that led an uprising in Northern China to stop the influence from Japanese and the West. -
President McKinley re-elected to Second Term
The 25th President of the United States was elected for his second term in 1871. -
Foraker Act
A United States Federal Law which formed a civilian government in Puerto Rico. -
Theodore Roosevelt becomes President
Theodore Roosevelt became the 26th President after President McKinley’s assassination. -
Platt Amendment
Determined the role of the U.S. in Cuba and the Caribbean and limited Cuba from making treaties with other nations and to conduct foreign policy and commercial relations. -
Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty
Signed by the U.S. and Panama to confirm the constriction of the Panama Canal. -
Roosevelt Corollary
An addition to the Monroe Doctrine stating that in case of destructive behavior from Latin America, the U.S. could intervene in their internal affairs.