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Chapter 3 Timeline

  • Monroe Doctrine

    Monroe Doctrine
    A United States policy that opposed European colonialism in the americas.
  • US purchases Alaska from Russia

    US purchases Alaska from Russia
    The United States of america buys Alaska from Russia for $7 million.
  • Midway Islands annexed by U.S.

  • U.S tariffs cause Hawaiian Sugar Cane prices to rise

    When the United States started imposing tariffs on sugar cane this made the price of sugar cane go through the roof in America.
  • Grover Cleveland elected president (second time)

    Grover Cleveland elected president (second time)
    Grover Cleveland was elected president
  • Period: to

    American economic Depression of 1893

    The stock prices declined. Five hundred banks closed, 15,000 businesses failed, and numerous farms ceased operation.
  • Cuban separatists revolt against Spanish rule

    It happened after the ten year war. It was a revolution of Cuba to become independent of Spanish colonialists.
  • Spain institutes reconcentration on Cubans

    Spain institutes reconcentration on Cubans
    The Spanish forced hundreds of thousands of Cubans into camps into the towns and cities.
  • Philippine rebels revolt against Spain

    Philippine rebels revolt against Spain
    The filipino rebels revolt against the Spanish colonists.
  • President McKinley sends USS marine to Havana with Spain’s permission

    President McKinley sends USS marine to Havana with Spain’s permission
    President McKinley declares war on Spain
  • De lime letter

    A letter written by a Spanish ambassador, tells about Lome’s opinion on the revolt against Spain.
  • U.S. annexes Hawaii

    The United States of America annex the sovereign country of hawaii
  • Spanish-American war begins

  • U.S. captures Philippines from Spain

    U.S. captures Philippines from Spain
  • Teller amendment passed

    Teller amendment passed
    The Teller Amendment was an amendment to a joint resolution of the United States Congress
  • Equiano aguinaldo

    He was captured by the U.S. forces in Philippines
  • China divided into spheres of influence

  • Foraker act

  • Open door policy

  • Boxer Rebellion

  • President McKinley re-elected to second term

  • Platt amendment

  • Theodore Roosevelt becomes president

  • Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty

  • Roosevelt corollary