Kennedy addresses Civil Rights
- United States had ruled segregation was illegal -Had telephoned Martin Luther King Jr.s wife while he was in jail -He was more concerned with other issues during his presidency
Attack on the alabam Freedom Riders
- Church attack by the KKK -Bus for crippled people was fire bombed
- They wanted to burn the people to death inside the bus
New Frontier Speech
- Described Kennedy's views on progress
- Called on America to go back to their colonial roots
- Conquer racism and prejudice.
Houston Minister Conference
- J.F.K. talks about his beliefs in separation between Church and State -People who can not afford to pay bills -Says he hopes intolerence of religion will end
J.F.K. debate Richard Nixon on T.V.
- Kennedy puts Americans at ease by telling them he may be Catholic, but he won't let that interfere with his policys. -Nixon had agreed so that he could show the public he was better at speaking and more knowlegable
- Kennedy won the debate in the eyes of the public
Cuban Missile Crises
- Eisenhower had cut off trade with Cuba after the election of Fidel Castro
- Castro was relying on the Soviets
- 10% of Cuban population moved to Florida
Bay of Pigs
- Mission intention: Overthrow Castro -Mission was a failure, no airstrike
- Kennedy took all the responsibility himself
Berlin Wall
- Germany divided into Communist East, and Democratic West
- Soviets wanted a wall to separate because people kept running away
- Berlin Wall was a way to keep the peace
J.F.K. dead
- Was on a politcal trip in Texas
- Allegedly shot by Lee Harvey Oswald
- Still, no one is quite sure if Oswald acted alone
J.F.K. wins election
- Kenndy barely won
- New style in the White House
- The press loved him