
Chapter 25.1 The Unification of Italy Jackie Catullo

  • Young Italy Movement

    Young Italy Movement
    Mazini turned the youth of Italy into patriots. He made Italy nationalist. He insisted that Italy be ruled by the republic.
  • Cavour Became Prime Minister of Sardinia

    Cavour Became Prime Minister of Sardinia
    Camillo di Cavour made Sardinia strong and organized. He believed in having church and state seperate. Cavour sided with France during the Crimean War, increasing Sardinia's power.
  • War With Austria

    War With Austria
    Cavour united with the French to drive the Austrians out of Northern Italy. Kings of individual, little countries were over thrown by the people of Modena, Parma, and Tuscany and united with Sardinia. No one expected Italy to unite in this way.
  • Garibaldi 's Thousand

    Garibaldi 's Thousand
    Giuseppe Garibaldi captured Sicily. They captured Naples, the capital city and celebrated Garibaldi's military skills. Garibaldi planned to capture more of Italy but Cavour stopped him.
  • Italy's Unification

    Italy's Unification
    They had a few problems after the unification. The Italians had a war with the Ottoman empire. The north was growing wealthier than the south which lead to a divide in social class.