Chapter 25 Timeline

  • Serbian Nnationalist assassinates Archduke Franz Ferdinand

  • World War 1

  • 1st Battle of the Marne

  • Ottoman Empire joins the Central Powers

  • Battle of Gallipoli

  • 2nd battle of Ypres

  • Allies invade Turkey

  • Armenian Genocide

  • Italy joins the Triple Entente

  • German submarine sinks the Lusitania

  • Battles of Verdun and the Somme

  • Sussex Pledge

  • Arab Rebellion against Ottoman Empire

  • February Revolution in Russia

  • United States enters the War

  • Battle of Caporetto

  • Balfour Declaration on Jewish homeland in Palestine

  • Civil War in Russia

  • Bolshevik Revolution in Russia

  • Treaty of Brest-Litovsk

  • Revolution in Germany

  • Treaty of Versailles

  • Treaty of Lausanne recognizes Turkish independence