World war ii

Chapter 23-24

  • Nazi Olympics

    Nazi Olympics
    The International Committee awarded the 1936 Summer Olympics to Berlin.
  • A Signed Pact

    A Signed Pact
    Signed an anticommunism pact with Germany that clearly linked Japan with Europe’s Fascist menace.
  • The Appalachian Trail

    The Appalachian Trail
    Extending two thousand miles from Mount Katahdin, Maine to Springer Mountain, Georgia is completed.
  • A war begins

    A war begins
    Japan began a war against China. The attack was marked by great brutality.
  • Roosevelt speaks out

    Roosevelt speaks out
    After Japan invaded China, President Roosevelt decided that it was time to speak out.
  • Adolf Hitler

    Adolf Hitler
    Tried to force the Austrian government to agree to Anschluss (union with Germany).
  • Declared War

    Declared War
    Great Britain and France declared war on Germany.
  • An atomic bomb

    An atomic bomb
    Motivated by concern that Germany was already working on such a weapon.
  • Forces into Denmark

    Forces into Denmark
    Hitler sent his forces into Denmark and Norway.
  • German Plan

    German Plan
    The Germans finally made their expected strike toward France.
  • Axis Powers

    Axis Powers
    Japan formed a military alliance with Germany and Italy.
  • Hideki Tojo

    Hideki Tojo
    Pushed the government not to accept any compromise.
  • Japan’s Government

    Japan’s Government
    A strong pressure from Tojo forced Japans government to resign. Took control of the country.
  • Situation in Europe

    Situation in Europe
    American leaders were convinced that war beteeen the United States and Japan was likely.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    In the resulting confusion, routine defensive steps, such as using airplanes to watch for approaching ships, were not in place.
  • An ambitious goal

    An ambitious goal
    Shortly after Pearl Harbor, Roosevelt set the ambitious goal of building 60,000 new planes and a further 125,000 aircraft the following year.
  • Women’s Army Corp

    Women’s Army Corp
    Demand for their services was so great that the army created the Women’s Army Corp.
  • National War Labor Board

    National War Labor Board
    Congress passed the Smith Conally Act.
  • D-Day

    The attack began with soldiers parachuting behind the German lines to try to secure key sites.
  • A success

    A success
    An estimated 10,000 Allied casualties, including 6,600 Americans- D-Day had been a success.
  • German offensive

    German offensive
    The bulge created by the German offensive had been rolled back.
  • Japan’s surrender

    Japan’s surrender
    The allies issued the Potsdam Declaration, demanding the “unconditional surrender of all the Japanese armed forces”.