Chapter 21

  • Romantic Movement in Literature and the Arts

  • French armies restore the Spanish Crown

  • Metternich serves as Austrian foreign minister

  • Germaine de Staël publishes On Germany

  • Congress of Vienna

  • Corn Laws Passed

  • Holy Alliance Formed

  • Battle of Peterloo

  • Carlsbad Decrees

  • Congress of Troppau

  • Austria defeats liberal revolution in Naples

  • France invades Algeria

  • 2nd French Revolution

  • Reform Bill in Britain

  • Greek Independence from Ottomans

  • Anarchist Pierre Joseph Proudhon publishes What is Peoperty?

  • Socialist Louis Blanc publishes The Organization of Work

  • Great Potato Famine

  • Ten Hours Act in Britain

  • Revolution in France, Austria, and Prussia

  • Marx and Engels publish The Communist Manifesto