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Policy and Politics
National Defense Education Act
Legislation that provided federal expenditures for education in science, engineering, technology, and the study of foreign languages. -
Title VI of the Civil Rights Act
It serves as the basis for much civil rights litigation on behalf of language minority students and bans discrimination on the basis of race, color, or national origin in any program or activity receiving federal financial assistance. -
Title VII:Bilingual Education Act (Elementary and Secondary Education Act)
This title was based on the idea that the "sink-or-swim" approach to teaching English was both an educational failure and a denial of equal opportunity for language minority students. Title VII has been renamed Title III ( English Language Acquisition, Language Enhancement, and Academic Achievement Act) under No Child Left Behind, and federally administered grants were replaced by "formula" grants administered by state education agencies. -
Lau v. Nichols
Landmark Supreme Court case that found the failure to offer bilingual educational services unconstituional, and the Office of Civil Rights expanded on Title VI to include guidelines for bilingual education. Led to:
-Serna v. Portales (1974)
-Aspira v. Board of State of New York (1974)
-Castaneda v. Pickard (1981)
-Plyler v. Doe (1982) -
Equal Education Opportunities Act
The EEOA prohibits states from denying equal educational opportunities to individuals on the basis of race, color, sex, or national origins, and requires school districts to overcome language barriers. -
No Child Left Behind (ESEA reauthorization)
This legislation holds school districts at a greater accountability for results in the form of higher academic standards, required annual testing in grades 3-8, and increasingly severe sanctions for "failing schools". -
Race to the Top (American Recovery and Reinvestment Act)
Provide incentives to states to implement large scale system changing reforms that result in improve student achievements, narrowed achievement gaps, and increased graduation and college enrollment rates.