Chapter 2 Chronology

  • 4000 BCE

    Creation of Civilizations

    One of the first civilizations to have been created was named Cradle. Cradle was located in the middle east which was the birthplace of the world's easiest language that was commonly used to keep temple records. The settlement created after Cradle was the Egyptian settlement that could be found in the Nile river valley in northeastern Africa and was referred to as the Nubia settlement.
  • 3000 BCE

    Third Civilization

    The central coast of Peru was home to the caral civilization which was the third to have been created. Caral was built here to give the people easy access to water from the nearby Andes Mountains.
  • 2070 BCE

    Flood Control

    The Xia Dynasty had organized flood control projects to control the waters. These projects were overseen by Monarch Wu and helped shape the channels of water.
  • 1700 BCE

    Culture in the Indus Valley

    The Indus Valley increased salt levels in the soil nearby which caused a decrease in crop yields which influenced the irrigation. The Indus Valley was located in the Indian subcontinent and Hindu and Indian culture in the present day reflects the tradition that was made in the time of the Indus Valley.
  • 1400 BCE

    Technological Advancements

    A majority of the major technological advancements that happened at this time came from the Shang Dynasty. These advancements include writing, math, astronomy, and artwork as well as the creation of a regulated government.
  • 1000 BCE

    Chinese Territory

    Chinese Territory expanded with the Zhou Dynasty where they buried tons of human sacrifices with their deceased ruler and their lavish tombs.
  • 725 BCE

    Kush conquest of Egypt

    In approximately 727 BCE, King Piye from Kush invaded Egypt. Egypt was already weak from an internal competition for power among its own ten kingdoms, which made it easy for King Piye to conquer Egypt with the Kushite Army.
  • 500 BCE

    Incorporation into Persian Empire

    At this time, Egypt and Mesopotamia were conquered by the Persian empire. The founder of the Persian Empire, Cyrus the Great, first conquered Mesopotamia in 539 BCE by defeating Babylon. Then, in 525 BCE, King Cambyses II led the army to defeat Egypt in the battle of Pelusium.