Chapter 19

  • Britain Passes the Stamp Act

  • Britain Passes the Coercive Acts

  • Second Continental Congress adopts the Declaration of Independence

  • Treaty of Paris ends the Revolutionary War

  • US Constitution signed

  • Third Estate declares itself the National Assembly

  • Estates General meets at Versailles

  • Storming of the Bastille

  • Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen

  • Tennis Court Oath

  • The Poissades (Fish Women) March on Versailles

  • Bill of Rights added to Constitution

  • Royal Family Arrested while Fleeing France

  • Louis XVI Executed

  • Reign of Terror

  • Creation of the Committee on Public Safety

  • Robespierre Executed

  • Napoleon Seizes Power

  • Foundation of the Bank of France

  • Napoleon signs the Papal Concordat

  • Napoleon crowns himself Emperor

  • Napoleonic Code

  • Height of Napoleon’s Grand Empire

  • Napoleon Invades Russia

  • Napoleon retreats from Russia

  • Napoleon Exiled to Elba

  • Napoleon Escapes from Elba

  • Napoleon redraws the maps of Europe

  • Napoleon Defeated at Waterloo and Exiled to St. Helens