
Chapter 18 Sections 1-3

  • Estate-General Meeting On Economical Crisis

    Estate-General Meeting On Economical Crisis
    Louis XVI calls an Estate-General Meeting at Versailles due to France being on the edge of an economical crisis. Consumer goods prices are raising faster than wages, many are hungry. On top of that, there are several bad harvests in a row.
  • Tennis Court Oath

    Tennis Court Oath
    When the meeting place of the National Assembly is locked, they meet in a nearby tennis court. They swear an oath to keep meeting until they have created a constitution, which comes to be known as the Tennis Court Oath.
  • Bastille Riot

    Bastille Riot
    900 Parisians gather in courtyard of Bastille (a prison/weaponry), angry and agitated. They break in, and after four hours, the warden surrenders. He is beheaded, the seven prisoners released, and Bastille demolished.
  • Adopting a Declaration

    Adopting a Declaration
    The National Assembly adopts the Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen. It proclaims all (white) men equal and free under law, election will be by talent, no one can avoid taxation, and grants freedom of speech/press. The legal privileges of the clergy and nobility are abolished.
  • Women March on Versailles

    Women March on Versailles
    A large group of women march on Versailles armed with what they could find. Some met with the king and forced him to accept the decrees of the Declaration.
  • King Returns to Paris

    King Returns to Paris
    The king returns to Paris with flour. He and the royal family are virtual prisoners in their palace.
  • Attempted Escape

    Attempted Escape
    The royal family attempts to flee France under a disguise in June. They almost make it, but are recognized and are returned to their palace.
  • Monarchy is Abolished

    Monarchy is Abolished
    WIth the monarchy ended in August, the royal family had to seek protection from the Legislative Assembly. In September, violence erupts and thousands die. The National Convention begins meeting to draft a new constitution while serving as the ruling body of France. On September 21, the French Republic is established.
  • Violence Spreads

    Violence Spreads
    A coalition of Austria, Prussia, Spain, Portugal, Britain, and the Dutch Republic is set to invade France in the Spring. In response, the Committee of Public Safety is given broad powers. It takes control of the government until 1794 in what is known as the Reign of Terror. Of the 40,000 who died, 1,600 of them died on the guillotine. Marie Antoinette and Olympe de Gouges are included among those deaths.
  • Death of Louis XVI

    Death of Louis XVI
    The Mountain convince the Convention to pass a decree condemning Louis XVI to death. He is beheaded on the guillotine on January 21.
  • Victory Comes to France

    Victory Comes to France
    In the summer of 1794, with an army of more than a million, France defeats the foreign foes that oppose it. There is less need for the Reign of Terror, but it continues.
  • Law of 22 Prairial

    Law of 22 Prairial
    The Law of 22 Prairial is passed in June, giving Robespierre more power to arrest and execute.
  • Law of 22 Prairial Repealed

    Law of 22 Prairial Repealed
    The law is repealed in August and the release of prisoners begins.
  • Death of Robespierre

    Death of Robespierre
    Robespierre is guillotined by deputies in the National Convention who feared that they'd be his next victims. This led to Jacobins losing power and the Reign of Terror was halted.
  • Directory is Overthrown

    Directory is Overthrown
    Napoleon Bonaparte topples Directory in a coup d'etat and seizes power after it had a corrupted reign that lasted four years. The directory was unable to fix France's economical issues.
  • Napoleon and the Pope

    Napoleon and the Pope
    Napoleon has become the first consul, and has absolute power over France. One of his first acts is to come to an agreement with the Pope. He recognizes Catholicism as France's major religion, and the pope stops asking for land back that had been taken during the French Revolution. Napoleon gains many supporters this way.
  • Treaty Signed

    Treaty Signed
    Napoleon signs a peace treaty with Russia, Great Britain, and Austria so he can focus on rebuilding the French government. It doesn't last long.
  • War Breaks Out

    War Breaks Out
    France and Britain begin to fight again. Gradually, Britain is joined by Austria, Russia, Sweden, and Prussia.
  • Civil Code is Introduced

    Civil Code is Introduced
    Napoleon narrows down the law codes to seven. The most important of this is the Civil Code, which preserved equality, the right to choose profession, religious toleration, and abolition of serfdom and all feudal obligations. This was a step back for women, who were treated as children and thought not equal to men. They lost control of property after marriage, couldn't testify in court, and divorce was more difficult.
  • Defeat and Failure

    Defeat and Failure
    Napoleon fails to defeat Britain in a battle at Trafalgar even with Spain as an ally. He then attempts to destroy the British economy, but again, fails. Britain keeps sea power.
  • Period: to

    Battles Commence

    War lasts. By the end of it, Napoleon is victorious over the coalition that opposed him, gaining massive amounts of land.
  • Period: to

    Napoleon is Master of Europe

    Napoleon is the master of Europe, which is composed of the French Empire, dependant states, and allied states.
  • British Sea Exports

    British Sea Exports
    British overseas exports are at an all time high.
  • Attempt to Invade Russia Begins

    Attempt to Invade Russia Begins
    Napoleon and 600,000 men enter Russia. Russian armies refuse to engage in battle, instead retreating and burning cities as they go, leaving Napoleon's forces without food.
  • Return to Poland

    Return to Poland
    Frozen and starving, only 40,000 of Napoleon's troops are alive when they make it back to Poland after a failed invasion of Russia. Their retreat began in October.
  • Paris is Captured

    Paris is Captured
    Other countries begin to rise up against Napoleon. Paris is captured, Napoleon is exiled, and Louis XVII restores the French monarchy with little support.
  • Napoleon Returns

    Napoleon Returns
    Napoleon escapes exile and returns to Paris, rallying his troops. He enters Paris in triumph.
  • Final Defeat

    Final Defeat
    Napoleon meets the British/Prussian army at Waterloo in Belgium. He suffers a bitter defeat and is re-exiled until his death in 1821.