African- Americans marched under the banner "We loyal colored Americans Demand the Right to Work and Fight for Our Country"
Minister Churchill arrived at the White House.
MacArthur left the Philippines with his wife, his son, and his staff.
a daring raid on Tokyo and other Japanese cities - DOOLITTLE'S RAID
WAAC became law.
Chester Nimitz scout found the Japanese fleet
German commander surrendered
KIng Victor Emmanual the 3rd summoned Il Duce to his palace, stripped him of power, and had him arrested.
Operation Overload was set for this day
D-Day: First day of Invasion
General Omar Bradley unleashed massive air and land bombardment against enemy at St. Lo.
Patton and the Third Army Seine River South of Paris.
French resistance forces and American troops liberated the French capital from four years of German occupation.
8 German tank divisions broke through weak American defenses along the 8-mile front.
While posing for a portrait in Warm Springs, Georgia, the president (FDR) had a stroke and died.
Hitler married Eva Braun, his longtime companion.
Allies celebrated V-E Day
The Battle For Okinawa - more than 7,600 Americans had died.
The Manhattan Project- The first test of the new bomb
Truman ordered the military to make final plans fir dropping two atomic bombs on Japanese targets.