Chapter 15- Absolutism and Constitutionalism Timeline

  • Period: 1524 to

    Gustavus Adolphus

    Gustavus Adolphus was a Swedish Leader who lead during the Thirty Years War. He was a Lutheran and intervene to support the Protestants. He won two battles but got wounded in combat. Adolphus was supported by the French by funding because the French wanted to weaken the Hapsburg dynasty.
  • Period: 1533 to

    Ivan the Terrible

    Ivan the Terrible was the tsar of Russia who rose to the throne when he was three who suffered insults and neglect from boyars calling him to prosecute boyars replacing them with service nobility. He tied peasants more firmly to land and noble landowners.He defeated remnants of the Mongol Empire and strengthened relations with the Cossacks.
  • Period: 1568 to

    80 Years War

    The 80 Years War was between the Netherlands and Spain and led to the creation of the United Provinces of the Netherlands wanting interdependence. The Causes for the 80 Years were the Thirty Years war created a divide in Netherlands between Catholic and Protestants.William I of Orange had unsuccessful invasions and the Guezun came into the Netherlands and converted to Calvinism. The Spanish decided to acknowledge the Netherlands as a separate place because of the growing French Power.
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    Cardinal Richelieu

    Cardinal Richelieu laid the foundations for absolutism in France who used the intendant system to weaken the nobility which allowed the government to become more efficient. Cardinal Richelieu subdued the Huguenots. His goal was to weaken the was to weaken the Habsburg Empire.
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    Henry IV

    Also known as Henry of Navarre laid foundations for France to become the strongest European power in the 17th century. He strengthen social hierarchy by strengthening government institutions. He was a politique and convert from a Calvinist to a Catholic to end the French Wars of Religion when he came to power. During the time of his reign mercantilism was introduced with his finance minister Duke of Sully. Henry was assassinated in 1610 which led to a severe crisis.
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    James I

    James I became King after Elizabeth’s rule.He believed that a monarch has a divine right to his authority and is responsible only to god.He countered traditions that a person property couldn’t be taken away without the due process of law. He was a protestant but accused of being a closeted catholic because of “no bishop, no king. He had a plan of success which was to unite England with Scotland, create a continental standing army, and to set up a new royal finance system.
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    Louis XIII

    He was the king of France who ruled when he was young. During his time period nobles and princes increased their power. His minister Cardinal Richelieu laid the foundations for absolutism in France who used the intendant system to weaken the nobility which allowed the government to become more efficient.
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    The Thirty Wars War

    The Thirty Years War was a war between Protestants and Catholics. This war occurred in a series of four phases: Bohemia, Danish, Swedish and Swedish- French. This war was caused by the conflict between and Holy Roman Empire and wanting to revoke the Peace of Augsburg.The outcome of with war was the Peace of Westphalia which gave Calvinists the right to practice their religion.
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    Ferdinand II

    Ferdinand II was a Austrian Habsburg who reduced the power of the Bohemian Estates. He confiscated landholding of the Protestant nobles and gave them to catholic nobles. Bohemian Nobility success was due to the Habsburgs. During the time of his reign defensed peasantry worsened and Protestantism was stamped out.
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    Charles I

    Charles created problems within parliament. Charles I marrying a catholic wife which parliament accused him trying to bring Catholicism causing. He finalized tough stopgap levies which were illegal. He refused to call parliament resulting in the triennial act. Charles had to obtain funds for war because of revolts unable to arrest parliamentary leaders causing him to form a New Model Army. He was captured by Oliver Cromwell's forces were put on trial was found guilty and got executed.
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    Puritan Republic

    The Puritan Republic was ran by Oliver Cromwell a Protectorate which was a commonwealth or a republic government.During Cromwell’s time of power the army created a constitution that invested executive power in lord protector and council of state which gave way triennial parliaments and give parliament the right to raise taxes. Cromwell banned Catholicism. Mercantilism policies were adopted and enforced Navigation Act. Cromwell welcomed the immigration of Jews because of business skills.
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    Ferdinand III

    Ferdinand III was a Austrian Habsburg who centralized the government in the empire’s German speaking provinces which created core holdings. During his reign there was a permanent standing army which later leads to them pushing the ottomans out of Hungary after Ferdinand's reign.
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    Frederick Williams "The Great Elector"

    Frederick William was a ruler who gained his power from helping out the Habsburgs so he got elected to be the Ruler of Prussia. He wanted to unify his three provinces, in these provinces contained estates ruled by Junkers which Fredrick Convinces to fund an army because of the threat of the Russian army. Fredrick was able to triple state revenue and expanded the standing army.
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    The English Civil War

    The English Civil War was a war that started because of the power of the king which was against Parliament. It was between Parliament’s New Model Army and Kings armies at the Battle of Naseby and Langport resulting in a Parliament win. Charles didn’t want to accept defeat until Cromwell's captured him and put him on trial to get executed.
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    Louis XIV

    Also known as the Sun King who was an absolutist ruler. He used the divine rights of Kings to justify his actions. He ruled through councils and revoked the Edict of Nantes to remove Huguenot influence. He moved the capital of France from Paris to Versailles. Versailles became a center for living, government offices, a place of work and for the public which nobility was forced to live.He created French Nationalism.Louis XIV kept France at war for many years as his goal was to expand France.
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    The Fronde

    The Fronde was a peasant rebellion in France. The series of violent uprising was a result of the rise of taxes on Bread. Bread was the main staple food in the peasants life causing them to revolt. The Fronde resulted in Louis XIV having to leave Paris and having bad memories of Paris to move and create Versailles.
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    William III of Orange

    William III of Orange was the Ruler of the Netherlands before him and his wife Mary left the Netherlands to become the King and Queen of England. During his reign in the Netherlands ran by stradholder who carried out ceremonial functions and was responsible with military defense. House of Orange normally held office of stradholder creating tensions between supporters of House of Orange and republican Estates.
  • The Restoration

    The Restoration
    The Restoration was when the power of government shifted back to the monarchy with Charles II. Restoration failed to solve the attitude of the state towards religions groups from the established church as well as what is the relationship between the King and Parliament. Parliament enacted the test act which revoked rights of those outside the church of England and couldn’t be enforced. Also during The Restoration art exploded after years of hibernation.
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    Charles II

    He was the son of Charles I.During his reign both houses of parliament were restored and the Anglican Church was restored. His determination to work with Parliament didn’t last as Parliament did not grant him adequate income which resulted in a secret agreement with Louis XIV which gave him income but he had to relax laws against Catholics, recatholicize England and convert to Catholicism himself.
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    Louis XIV Four Main Wars of Religion

    Louis had Four Main Wars which were called War of Devolution with Spain,Dutch War, War of Palatinate, and The War of Spanish Succession
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    War of Devolution With Spain

    The War of Devolution was a war between France and Spain over the possessions of the Netherlands. The war started because of conflict of who should possess the Netherlands because of Marigess as Louis XIV had a Spanish wife. The War ended with Spain still possessing the latter province and France retained Bergues, Furnes, Armentières, Oudenaarde, Courtrai, Lille, Douai, Tournai, Binche, Ath, and Charleroi.
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    Dutch War

    The Dutch War was the second war in Louis Wars. Louis wanted to establish French Possession of Spanish Netherlands after having forced the Dutch Republic’s acquiescence. William of Orange went against France and France allied with Sweden. The war resulted in the Treaties of Nijmegen between France and the Grand Alliance which left the Dutch Republic intact and France enhanced power in the Spanish Netherlands.
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    Dutch Golden Age

    The Dutch Golden Age was when Dutch Art, science, commerce and military were the most acclaimed in the World. A piece of art created within the Dutch Golden Age was The Girl with a Pearl Earring. What led the Dutch to be successful during this time period was their use of creating ships and becoming the middlemen in trade by having cheap shipping costs.
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    Peter The Great

    Peter the Great was a Russian Tsar. He carried the tradition of territorial expansion and was determined to gain access to the sea since Russia was a landlocked state.He build Russia’s first navy base and took officials and nobles on a tour of Western Europe but failed to secure a military alliance but he engage with foreigner experts to help build navy and improve infrastructure. He desire to expand to the Baltic Sea caused him to have a war with Sweden called the Great Northern War.
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    James II

    During his reign James II appointed Roman Catholics to positions in the country which violated the Test Act sending fear to Anti Catholic English. He opened Catholic Churches and schools to promote Catholicism but also granted religious freedom to all to widen his base. But his reign ended when coalition of eminent persons in parliament and church of England resisted and offered heir to the Protestant Daughter Mary and William or Orange causing James II to flee to France.
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    William and Mary

    William Of Orange who was Dutch and Mary were crowned King and Queen of England. During their reign William sparked riots in the British Isles. In Ireland there was a war that William won the Battle of Boyne which sealed his accession to Power.
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    Fredrick I

    Frederick I was the son of Fredrick Williams the “Great Elector” and got promoted from receiving the title of elector to receiving the tilt e of the King of Prussia. He got this title as a reward for aiding the Holy Roman Emperor in the War of the Spanish Succession.
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    The Glorious Revolution

    The Glorious Revolutions was when one king was replaced with another king with barely any bloodshed. During the Revolution the idea of divine-right monarchy was being destructed. The ideas of this were found in John Locke’s Two Treatises of Government.
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    War of The Great Alliance

    War of the Great Alliance also known as the War of the League of Augsburg or The Nine Years' War was a war between France, England, Netherlands and Austria. The War was fought for the Balance of Powers between the Habsburgs and Bourbons because of Marriages that united people. There was a treaty but it wasn't a real treaty but it set up a base for the War of Spanish Succession.
  • The English Bill of Rights.

    The English Bill of Rights.
    The English Bill of Rights was an indirect response to Stuart Absolutism. Within the rights it stated that Law made in parliament once made couldn't be suspended by the crown, Parliament had to be called every three years, independence of the judiciary, and no standing army during peacetime. It also granted the freedom of worship to Protestants but not to Catholics.
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    Charles XII

    Charles XII was a Swedish Leader who played a part in the Great Northern War. He was an eighteen year old King who defeated Denmark quickly and then turned on Russia.His army attacked unsuspecting Russians and besieging the Swedish Fortress of Narva.
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    The Great Northern War

    The Great Northern War was a war between Sweden and Russia. The cause of the war was Peter the Great wanted to expand to the Baltic Sea to gain access to a port since Russia was landlocked. Peter thought that because Sweden had a young king that they would be weak and it would be an easy victory. Charles XII proved them wrong and turned on Russia.
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    The War of Spanish Succession

    The War of Spanish Succession was the war which was between France and Spain. This war started as Louis XIV broke the treaty that European power have agreed to divide the Spanish Possession with King of France and the Holy Roman Emperor.This war started because Charles II of Spain died childless and bequeathed crown and empire to Louis XIV grandson. This war ended with Philip remaining king but France and Spain Couldn’t be united.
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    Fredrick William I

    Frederick Williams I was the grandson of “Frederick Williams “The Great Elector”. During his reign he eliminated traces of parliamentary estates and local self government. He established Prussian Absolutism and transformed Prussia into a military state. He ordered that all Prussian Men would undergo military training. He combined peasant bondage and Junker tyranny, and laid the foundations for a militaristic country.