
Chapter 14 timeline

  • Hitler Appointed Chancellor

    Hitler Appointed Chancellor
    Hitler was appionted chancellar of Germany on Jan 30th 1933. This would not of happened if Germany was not in a deppression
  • Invasion of Ethiopia

    Invasion of Ethiopia
    Italy attacked Ethiopia without a declaration of war
  • The Rape of Nanjing

    The Rape of Nanjing
    Japanese Imperial Army murderd 300, 000 out of 600,000 civilions and soldiers
  • Hitler seizes Austria

    Hitler seizes Austria
    German troops marched into Austria and were met with on resistance
  • France and Britian Declare War on Germany

    France and Britian Declare War on Germany
    France and Britain go to war with agianst Germany after the invasion of Poland
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    The attack led America to respond and ultimately led to the total destruction of the Japanese Empire four years later