Thousands flock to Colorado
As word of gold found near Pikes Peak spread across the country, thousands of people journeyed to Colorado in hopes of discovering their own. Many, however, would leave by midsummer. -
The Carson River valley
Many prospectors also travelled to Nevada, which contained both gold and the famous Comstock Lode silver vein. Its mines yielded around $500 million within a 20 year time span. -
Miners move north
Pushing as far north as British Columbia, many miners looked to the north for their profit. This prompted U.S. Secretary of State, William Seward, to negotiate the terms of the Alaska purchase. At first it seemed to many Americans to be a waste of money, but Seward was confident that it had been worth the cheap price of less than two cents an acre. -
Prospectors discover gold in the Klondike
People mining in Canada's Yukon territory, which bordered Alaska, discovered gold in the Klondike district. This launched the Klondike Gold Rush of 1897. Further discoveries in Alaska attracted even more miners.