chapter 13 timeline

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  • Hitler

    Hitler declared that he would no longer obey the Treaty of Versailles. He began building his army. European leaders tried to negotiate with Hitler instead of going to war. Many even thought that Hitler's demands, such as wanting all German-speaking countries to be united, were reasonable. This made sure Germany would have a big enough army to go to war.
  • Anschluss

    : the unification of Austria and Germany. Hitler demanded that Austrian Nazis be put into important positions and that Austria become one with Germany. He sent troops to enforce this view. This expanded Nazi power.
  • Munich Conference

    Munich Conference
    Britain, France, Italy and Germany met to decide Czechoslovakia's fate. Britain and France gave in to Hitler's demands. Later it became known as appeasement. They were willing to do anything to avoid war. This again made Germany more powerful.
  • Danzig

    After the Munich Conference Hitler made more demands. He demanded that Danzig, a German speaking city in Poland, be returned to Germany. These demands showed that war was inevitable. Britain stated that if Poland were to go to war to defend its land, Britain and France would help.
  • Czechoslovakia

    Because of the Munich Conference part of Czechoslovakia was given to Germany. Because of this appeasement, Hitler would get more bold.
  • Around the Maginot line

    Around the Maginot line
    The French and British were expecting Hitler's tanks to go through northern Belgium. He instead sent his main force through the Mountains between Luxembourg and Belgium. This was an unexpected move and the French and English were completely caught off guard.
  • Nazi-Soviet pact

    Nazi-Soviet pact
    Germany proposed a nonaggression treaty to the Soviet Union and they agreed. It also secretly agreed to divide Poland amongst them. Other countries were shocked. This made Germany able to focus it's war effort on France, Britain and Poland.
  • Blitzkreig

    Germany invaded Poland using a new type of warfare that used large numbers of tanks to break break through and encircle enemy positions. Waves of airplanes also bombed the enemy and dropped paratroopers to cut off supply lines.
  • Poland, Britain, France

    Poland, Britain, France
    Poland fell to Germany's blitzkreig and France was soon to follow. Britain did not fall victim though. This swung the war in Germany's favor.
  • Poland fell

    Poland fell
    Though the Polish army fought hard to repel the German blitzkrieg they were soon overcome. By September 27 their capital was taken and in the following week they were defeated.
  • Bore War

    Bore War
    Refered to by the Germans as the "sitzkrieg", or the "sit-down war". Britain had sent troops to France in anticipation of a German attack. Keeping on the defensive was detrimental to the French in that it allowed German troops to focus their effort on Poland before turning to France and Britain.
  • Battle of Britain

    Battle of Britain
    The German airforce started a new attack on British shipping, afterwards beginning an all out attack on trying to destroy the British Royal Air Force. The insuing air battle lasted for months, well into the fall.
  • French surrender and Evacuation at Dunkirk

    French surrender and Evacuation at Dunkirk
    After unexpectedly going through the Ardennes Mountains Hitler closed in on Dunkirk, the last port not under Nazi control. British and French troops were pushed back and their only escape being the sea. Hitler gave orders for a three day delay which allowed the Allied troops time to escape. By late June, Hitler had taken over the country and accepted the French's surrender, ironically in the same railway car that the Germans had surrendered in the previous world war.