Chapter 11 Timeline Liam Vermette

  • Resume Build/Job Search

    Build my resume with over a year of teaching in dance studios and interning in public schools. Find jobs and opportunities that combine these backgrounds and skillsets.
  • Make Living Wage

    At this point in my life, I will make a living between teaching dance and using my degree. This means securing a long term position in my field slightly before this time.
  • Influence Acceptance of Dance

    On some scale, local, county or larger, create more acceptance for hip hop dance in an academic setting by involving it in curriculum. This could mean teaching at a private school, but I will make sure that hip hop dance becomes an approved artistic pursuit and opportunity for all students at at least one school.
  • Open my own dance school

    Open my own dance school using the legitimacy and experience from working in education to build my platform.
  • Career End

    End my career knowing I shared the gift of making art to many and contributed to legitimizing hip hop dance in some way.