Timeline Judson Schmitt 5 Honors US1

  • Fugitive Slave Act

    Required non-slave states to assist in the return of escaped slaves.
  • Cotton Gin

    Cotton Gin
    It was invented by Eli Whitney
  • Gabriel Prosser's Rebellion

    Gabriel Prosser's Rebellion
    50 armed slaves around Richmond, they failed to gain control of the main road. The authorities were tipped off about the oncoming resistance. Causing him and 25 others to be executed.
  • German Coast Uprising

    Several hundred, poorly trained, slaves marched on New Orleans. More than 60 died. The heads of the leaders were posted on poles along the Mississippi River as a warning.
  • Erie Canal Completed

    Erie Canal connected Lake Erie to New York. Took four years to complete. Was also the first artificial waterway.
  • American Temperance Society Founded

    The drive against consuming alcohol. Founded by Evangelicals. At this time in history there was more Taverns than Churches, and Americans drank about 7 gallons of alcohol a year.
  • Sabbatarian Movement

    Attempt to end mail services on Sundays, to shut down non-church activities on Sunday.
  • Period: to

    Decline of Slavery in the Upper South

    Growing urbanization, The economy is better balanced between agriculture, manufacturing, and trade. Causing the use of slave labor to decrease.
  • Nat Turner's Rebellion

    Killed His owner the first day, then killed 60 or more white people the next 2 days. He hid for two months before being found and executed.
  • New England Anti-Slavery Society Founded

    Immediatism: a moral commitment to end Slavery immediately
  • World Anti-Slavery Convention (London)

    Created to end Slavery and give Blacks equal rights to Whites, which caused him to lose popularity with many Northerners
  • Massachusetts School Board Established

    State assumed centralized control over schools
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    German and Irish Immigration Boom

    4.2 million immigrants entered the United States
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    Edmund Ruffin Reforms

    Promoted the use of Marl, a Calcium rich seashell deposits. Neutralized the highly acidic and worn out soil
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    "Know Nothing Party" active

    The start of social and wealth classes like, Lower, Middle, and Upper class. Out of fear of losing their jobs, U.S. born artisans began to join these organizations. Giving birth to the "Know Nothing" party.
  • Seneca Falls Convention

    Devoted to women's suffrage, and voting rights. A call for full female equality.