Massachusetts Bay School Law
Reuired parents and master see to it that their children knew the principles of religion ans the captital of the commonwealth. -
Deluder Satan Act
*Purpose of creating a school is to save man from santa.
*Communites must provide education
*If a community had more than 100 members they must have a Latin Grammar school and provide classical education. -
French and Indian War
tell 1763 -
Treaty of Paris
Constitutional Convention
tell september 17 -
New England Primer
first reading primer designed for the american colonies. Most successful educational textbook, became the foundation of msot schooling before 1790's. It had alphabet, vowels, consonats, double letters and syllabariums of 2-6 letter syllables. -
Constitution and Bill of Rights Ratified
Following ratification by the state of Virginia, the first 10 amendments to the U.S. Constitution, known collectively as the bill of rights, become the law of the land. -
War of 1812
McGuffey Readers
were a series of graded primers, including grade levels 1-6, widely used as textbooks in American schools from the mid-19th century to the mid-20 centuy, and are still used today in some private schools and in homeschooling. -
US Civil War
tell may 9, 1865 -
The First Morrill Act
also known as the "Land Grant College Act" It was a major boost to higher education in America. The grant was originally set up to establish institutions in each state that would educat people in agriculture, home economics, mechanical arts, and other professions that were pratcial at that time. -
Emancipation Proclamation
the proclamation decleared "that all persons held as slaves" withtin the rebellious states "are, and henceforward shall be free"
it applied only to state that had seceded from the union, leaving slavery untouched in the loyal border states. expressly exempted parts of the confederacy that had already come under northern control. the freedom it promised depended upon union military victory. -
13th Amendment
abolished slavery in the United States.The 13 amendment to the United States Constitution provides that "Neither slaver nor involuntary servitude, expect as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction. -
14th Amendment
Granted citizenship to "all persons born or naturalized in the united states, which included former slaves recently freed. -
Spanish Americn War
tell August 1898 -
tell November 11,1918 -
Smith-Hughes Act
United States Congress that promoted vocational agriculuture to train people "who have entered upon or who are preparing to enter upon the work of the farm" and provided federal funds for this purpose. -
Tennessee vs. John Scopes
Great Depression
tell 1939 -
tell September 2,1945 -
GI Bill
refers to any departmnet of veterans affairs education benefit earned by members of active duty, selected reserve, and national gaurd armed forces and their families. The benefit is designed to help servicemembers and eligible veterans cover the costs associated with getting an education or training. -
Brown vs. Board of Education
One of the most pivotal opinions ever rendered by that body. Highlights the U.S. Supreme court's role in affecting changes in national and social policy. Had dockets on Kansas, Delaware, the district of columbia, south carolina, and virgina all which challenged the constitutionality of racial segregation in public schools. -
National Defense Education Act (NDEA)
providing funding to united states education institutions at all levels. NDEA was among many science intiatives implemented by President Eisenhower in 1958 to increase the technological sophistication and power of the united states alongside for instance DARPA and NASA. -
New England Primer
it was the intent of the colonists that all children should learn to read and in 1642 massachusetts passed a law stating this. They believed that an inability to read was satan's attempt to keep people from the sciptures. -
Salem Witchcraft Trials
Civil Rights Act
landmark piece of civil rights legislation in the US that outlawed discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. It ended unequal appplication of voter registration requirements and racial segeration in schools, at the workplace and by facilities that served general public. -
Bilingual Education Act
was the first piece of United States federal legislation that recognized the needs of Limited English Speaking Ability students. -
Indian Education Act
landmark legislation establishing a comprehensive approach to meeting the unique needs of american indian and alska native students. recognizes that american indians have unique, educational and culturally related academic needs and distinct language and cultural needs; provides services that aren't provided by the Bureau of Indian Affairs -
Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972
No person in the US shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any educatino program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance, expect that: in regard to asmissions to.... -
Rehabilitation Act
Prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability in programs conducted by federal agencies, in programs receiving federal financial assistance, in federal employment, and in the employment practices of Federal contractors, -
Plyler V. Doe
supreme court struck down a state statute denying funding for education to unauthorized immigrant children and simultaneously struck down a municipal school district's attempt to charge annual 1,000 tuition fee for each undocumented immigrant student to compensate for the lost state funding. The court found that where states limit the rights afforded to people based on their status as immigrants, the limitations must be examined under an intermediate scrunity standard to determine -
Plessy vs. Ferguson
Landmark US supreme court decision upholding the constitutionality of state laws requiring racial segregation in public facilites under the doctrine of "separate but equal" The decision was handed down by a vote 7-1. after the supreme court ruling new orleans commitee of citizen, which had bought the suit and had arranged for homer plessy's arrest in an act of civil disobedience in order to challenge louisiana's segregation law. -
The Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA)
signed by president obama. for example, today, high school graduation rates are at all-time highs. Dropout rates are at historic lows. And more students are going to college than ever before. These achiebements provide a firm foundation for further work to expand educational opportunity and improve student outcomes under ESSA -
National School Lunch Act
To provide low-cost or free school lunch meals to qualified students through subsidies to schools. The program was established as a way to prop up food prices by absoring farm surpluses, while at the same time providing food to school age hildren -
Dame Schools
was an early form of a private elementary school in english-speaking countries. They were usually taught by women and were often located in the home of the teacher. -
Latin Grammar Schools
designed for only sons of cetrain social class who were destined for leadership position in church, state of courts. -
is a preschool educational approach traditionally based on playing, singing, practical activities such as drawing and social interaction as part of the transition from home to school -
Progressive Education Association
is a pedagogical movement that began in the late nineteenth centrury; it has persisted in various forms tot eh present. the term progessive was engaged to distinguish this education from the traditional Euro-American curricula of the 19th century, which was rooted in classical preparation for the university and strongly differentiated by social class. -
Boston English High School
one of the first public high schools in America, founded in 1821. -
Mount Holyvoke Female Seminary
with the birth of mary lyon, higher educatoin for women gained an impassioned champion whose revoluntionary vision would hlep transform the world. Lynon firmly believed that women must be well educated to contribute significantly to sociery's greater good. This belief, fueled by her love of learning, inspiried her to found MT holyvoke female seminary