Changing Timelines

  • 276 BCE

    Eratosthenes born

  • 240 BCE

    Eratosthenes measured the Earth

  • 230 BCE

    Eratosthenes was inspired by astronomy

  • 194 BCE

    Eratosthenes died

  • 7

    Marie Curie born

  • 1564

    Galileo born

  • Galileo creates a machine for calculations

  • Galileo discovers Jupiter's 4 moons, proving heliocentric theory

  • Galileo dies

  • Charles Darwin Born

  • Darwin begins college

  • Darwin publishes book on natural selection and evolution

  • Alred Wegener born

  • Darwin dies

  • Marie Curie marries Pierre

  • Radium discovered

  • Marie Curie discovers polonium

  • Harry Hess born

  • Wegner proposes continental drift

  • Marie discovers the first portable x-ray machine

  • Francis Crick born

  • Rosalind Franklin born

  • James Watson born

  • Marie Curie dies

  • Harry Hess 'discovered' plate tectonics'

  • Rosalind Franklin's best picture of DNA is taken

  • Watson and Crick discover DNA's double helix structure

  • Rosalind Franklin died

  • Harry Hess died

  • Francis Crick dies