Change 7

Changes to American Society and culture from 1700 to 1812, Moving towards Independence (MCT)

  • The Great Awakening

    The Great Awakening
    The great Awakening was a emotional religious revival that was started in the 1730's, Jonathan Edwards appears in Massachusetts and gives his best known sermon, "sinners in the hands of an angry god".(1.) The Great Awakening changed the way of praying and capture the attention of the people and the "beginning of deviation from Europe"(2.) 1.OpenStax and OpenStax college history,U.S. History(rice
    2. UTA History Department, Lecture:"the Great Awakening"
  • The Enlightenment

    The Enlightenment
    The Enlightenment Era, "or the age of reason", was an intellectual and cultural movement in the eighteen century that emphasized reason over superstition and science over blind faith" (3.)
    1. OpenStax, pg.112
  • The Boston Massacre

    The Boston Massacre
    The Boston Massacre was an incident in which the British troops who were guarding the customs house, open fire on a mob of colonist killing 5 people, it started with the colonist throwing snow balls,sticks,rocks and calling the red coats "lobster backs" (5.) OpenStax, pg. 141
  • The Boston Tea Party

    The Boston Tea Party
    The Boston Tea Party occurred due to the Boston tea act , colonials were angry due to the increase taxes in protest some disguised themselves as Mohawks, and destroyed a whole ship cargo consisting of tea which they dumped in the Boston harbor. (6.)
    1. OpenStax, pg 145
  • The Treaty of Paris

    The Treaty of Paris
    The Treaty of Paris was sign and created to end the Revolutionary war and recognized the Independence of the United States, it was sign by representatives for both the British and the Americans, which included John Adams, Benjamin Franklin,John Jay, Thomas Jefferson, and Henry Laurens. (7.)
    1. OpenStax, pg. 172
  • The Bill Of Rights

    The Bill Of Rights
    The bill of Rights is a document with "the first ten amendments to the constitution and outlined many of the personal rights state constitutions already guaranteed" (7.)
    1. OpenStax. pg 213